
Thursday, 27 September 2018

Modeling and Simulation of Bladder Problems in Patients with Fibromyalgia

Thefibromyalgia was recognized by the American Medical Association in 1987 as a disease. It is associated with chronic pain disorders. Fibromyalgia is also known as fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS). In most cases, fibromyalgia occurs between the ages of 25 and 55 and is less common in younger adults. Women are more likely to suffer from fibromyalgia than men. Women aged 20 to 50 years are the most affected. Individuals suffering from fibromyalgia have a low pain threshold. Reducing the pain threshold for people suffering from fibromyalgia is due to increased sensitivity of the brain to pain symptoms. Although fibromyalgia is associated with arthritis, actually it is not arthritis, because it does not inflammation and damage the tissues and joints, but it causes a lot of pain and fatigue in patients. Fibromyalgia disrupts daily activity of patients. This disease does not reduce the longevity of patients. Fibromyalgia does not cause any other illness, but it affects the functioning of the patients in the house and in the workplace because of the pain and the lack of sleep.

Themost important symptoms of fibromyalgia include the following Chronic muscle pain: in general, pain caused by fibromyalgia beget in joints, tendons and other soft tissues. The points of incidence of pain in fibromyalgia are: behind the head, between shoulder blade, chest, shoulder, front of the neck, outer part of elbow, sides of pelvis, inner part of the knee, arms, abdomen areas and back of hand. Pain usually worsens with activity, cold and humid weather, anger and stress.

Chronicfatigue syndrome/Encephalomyelitis (inflammation of the brain and spinal cord): many of these patients have sleep disorders such as sleep apnea and restless legs syndrome. Frequent urination and dysuria: frequent urination is a common problem in fibromyalgia syndrome is usually the need of patients to urinate. As mentioned, some people suffering from fibromyalgia syndrome find they should usually wake up during the night to go to the bathroom and get to the toilet regularly throughout.


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