
Friday, 14 September 2018

Before Old Age-A Rare Case of Werner Syndrome


A 32 yr old male patient with a diagnosis of Werner syndrome is posted for debridement of non healing ulcer in the left lower limb. He was diagnosed with Werner syndrome 10 yrs back when he had developed cataract bilaterally and surgery under local anaesthesia was done for the same and vision was restored. Six years back he was diagnosed with type II diabetes mellitus and he has been on oral hypoglycemic agents since then. No history of chest pain or breathlessness. The patient has been having multiple ulcers on the lower limbs and frequently visits the dermatology clinic for regular dressings. These ulcers have been painful and so the patient was confined to the bed. Patient gives history of loss of molar teeth on either side. History obtained from the parents revealed that the patient’s sister had the same disease and died of ischaemic heart disease at the age of 25 yrs.

On examination, patient appeared to be 60 yrs of age, cooperative but unable to articulate his speech correctly. The head was large, there was loss of hair extensively over the scalp with premature greying, absent outer eyebrows and pale conjunctiva. The skin appeared to be non-elastic with decreased fat in the subcutaneous tissue and thin extremities. The chest was deformed with prominent lower ribs. Chest was clear on auscultation and cardiac sounds were well heard. Multiple small ulcers were seen on the upper and lower extremities. A large ulcer measuring 7x8 cms was seen in the left ankle which needed debridement under anaesthesia.

Airway examination revealed mouth opening of 1.5 cms with Mallampati grade IV. Neck extension was slightly restricted. Thyromental distance was normal. Mild scoliosis was present on examination of the spine. Investigations showed hemoglobin -9.6 gms%, platelet-3.6 lakhs/dl, INR-1.1, RBS-217gms/dl, FBS-126gms/dl, HbA1C-7.0, renal function tests, serum electrolytes were within normal limits. Left lower limb arterial doppler study revealed generalized atherosclerotic changes of lower limbs with biphasic spectral waveform. Electrocardiography and echocardiography were normal.

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