
Thursday, 27 September 2018

Modeling and Simulation of Bladder Problems in Patients with Fibromyalgia

Thefibromyalgia was recognized by the American Medical Association in 1987 as a disease. It is associated with chronic pain disorders. Fibromyalgia is also known as fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS). In most cases, fibromyalgia occurs between the ages of 25 and 55 and is less common in younger adults. Women are more likely to suffer from fibromyalgia than men. Women aged 20 to 50 years are the most affected. Individuals suffering from fibromyalgia have a low pain threshold. Reducing the pain threshold for people suffering from fibromyalgia is due to increased sensitivity of the brain to pain symptoms. Although fibromyalgia is associated with arthritis, actually it is not arthritis, because it does not inflammation and damage the tissues and joints, but it causes a lot of pain and fatigue in patients. Fibromyalgia disrupts daily activity of patients. This disease does not reduce the longevity of patients. Fibromyalgia does not cause any other illness, but it affects the functioning of the patients in the house and in the workplace because of the pain and the lack of sleep.

Themost important symptoms of fibromyalgia include the following Chronic muscle pain: in general, pain caused by fibromyalgia beget in joints, tendons and other soft tissues. The points of incidence of pain in fibromyalgia are: behind the head, between shoulder blade, chest, shoulder, front of the neck, outer part of elbow, sides of pelvis, inner part of the knee, arms, abdomen areas and back of hand. Pain usually worsens with activity, cold and humid weather, anger and stress.

Chronicfatigue syndrome/Encephalomyelitis (inflammation of the brain and spinal cord): many of these patients have sleep disorders such as sleep apnea and restless legs syndrome. Frequent urination and dysuria: frequent urination is a common problem in fibromyalgia syndrome is usually the need of patients to urinate. As mentioned, some people suffering from fibromyalgia syndrome find they should usually wake up during the night to go to the bathroom and get to the toilet regularly throughout.


Tuesday, 25 September 2018

Diversity-Oriented Synthesis of a Library of Podocarpic Acid Derivatives


Avariety of compounds, with a related structure to podocarpic acid, have been found to possess a wide variety of biological activities, including antileukemic activity, inhibition of plant cell growth, insect toxicity and antifungal properties. In the present study, a series of synthetic derivatives of podocarpic acid have been prepared by chemical synthesis for potential biological evaluation as useful compounds for use in medicine and agriculture.
Podocarpic acid was first isolated from the resin of Podocarpus cupressins, an important timber tree which is endemic to Java, and later from Podocarpus dacrydioides ("Kahikatea") and Dacrydium cupressinum ("Rimu"), trees which are found in the timber regions of New Zealand. Since 1968, more than forty oxygenated metabolites of podocarpic acid have been isolated from various species of Podocarpus. Interest in these naturally occurring and synthetic lactones, podolactones, and related podocarpic acid derivatives has been mainly due to the novel structures of these compounds and the various types of biological activity possessed by them. Octahydrophenanthrene lactones and related podocarpic acid derivatives 3 have been reported to possess hormonal and anti-inflammatory properties. Other similar podolactones have been shown to inhibit the expansion and division of plant cells  to have antileukemic activity to have antibacterial activity to have insect toxicity properties and to exhibit antitumor activity.

Otherreports have indicated that these types of compounds, as a class, possess significant antifungal properties. The lactone 6 (Figure1), first isolated as a mold metabolite, was found to have significant activity against a number of fungi. The momilactones A 7 and B 8 have been shown to be fungitoxic towards Cladosporium cucumerinum. In a recent report several oxidized resin acid.

The Effects of Oil and Oil + Nicotine in Vaporizer Pens (E-Cigarettes) on the Cell Behavior of Undifferentiated Human Mesenchymal Stem, and Differentiated Human Foreskin Fibroblast


Electroniccigarettes, also known as vaporizable pens, are a fairly new product on the market advertised as a safer alternative to smoking cigarettes or as a method to quit smoking entirely. Unlike traditional cigarettes, vaporizable pens do not burn tobacco but instead employ a battery-powered heating element that vaporizes a liquid oil to emulate the sensation of smoking. Various epidemiological studies reveal a considerable correlation between smoking or the use of smokeless tobacco substances and the prevalence of emphysema, heart disease, stroke and various cancers. Despite their growing popularity, the biological consequences of the newly popular nicotine oils inhaled from the vaporizable pens on human health are not well known and have not been heavily researched.

Nicotine,the key constituent in cigarettes and nicotine containing vaporizable oil, has been shown to reduce cell viability and inhibit cellular proliferation of fibroblast cells in vitro. Fibroblast cells are connective tissue cells that are responsible for secreting collagen proteins. As a derivative of mesenchymal origin, they are inhabitants of the Extracellular Matrix (ECM) of connective tissues and are responsible for secreting proteins used to maintain tissue structure. Fibroblasts play a vital role in the final stages of wound healing and use in many novel applications in tissue engineering. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have been investigated for their potential use in cell-based therapies in clinical management of difficult wounds and therapeutic dermatology. While fibroblasts cells are traditionally involved in wound healing, mesenchymal stem cells exhibit fibroblast like plastic-adherent morphology and have the capacity for multipotent differentiation in vitro and in vivo.

Data currentlysuggests that MSC differentiation pathways are regulated through dynamic interactions with the Extracellular Matrix (ECM). The ECM is a dynamic network of macromolecules present within all mammalian tissues that provides not only the physical scaffolding between cells but also essential biochemical cues to initiate differentiation and promote cell communication amongst

Monday, 24 September 2018

Portae Inferi Non Praevalebunt


Tobelieve that a latent and very discrete process continuously improves the quality of life all around is called “to have a positive attitude”. However, there is enough matter all-around for generating some stress and misunderstanding. We need air-conditioners and the more the climate is warming, the faster we will be in the hell. Worrisome data are available about biodiversity. Our earliest ancestor Sahelanthropus tchadensis was living about 7 million years ago. Compared to other species, we are relatively young.

For the first time in our life, we are walking into the future with some hesitation. “This sentiment is just prevailing at your age”, suggested my wife. Side by side for more than 30 years, we believed that a subjacent unknown process continuously and automatically improves the quality of life all around (our ancestors had harsher lives that is). Coming from an Alpine region, I never feel cold. Born at the seaside, my wife likes fair weathers. Now that the climate is growing warmer, I feel uneasy, fancying for fresh air in summer. She effortlessly supports hot days, but conditioned air may cause allergic reactions in her body. We feel morally guilty to live in climatized rooms at work. The use of air-conditioners consumes energy and increases the external air temperature. Worse: the more the climate is warming, the more we will apply air-conditioners and the faster we will be in the hell. These minor inconveniences may be enough matter for generating stress.

Friday, 21 September 2018

Asthma and Cesarean Section


Asthma is chronic disease of multifactorial etiologic and exposure perinatal factors can determine the development of airway inflammation. High prevalence of asthma in developing countries accompanies the increase in the Cesarean Section (CS) rate in the same period. Cesarean births in some countries of Latin America reach the 50% prevalence, in the Brazilian, public and private health services the rate CS is considerate highest in the world. However, the association between CS and asthma is still a controversial issue with conflicting data in the literature due to potential confounding of several other determinants of asthma.

The mechanism to explain its association between CS and asthma refers to the hygiene hypothesis. Decrease exposure to certain types of microorganisms early in life would lead to insufficient stimulation of T1 lymphocytes and consequences predominance of allergic response of the type T2, responsible for the development of asthma and allergic reactions. In children born CS the initial colonization of intestinal micro flora is composed by bacteria from colonization of the skin and those related to the hospital environment and these bacteria are capable of modulating the type of immune response to the type T2.

Thursday, 20 September 2018

Thimble - Type Prostheses: A Successful Option for Distal Finger Loss


Anaplastology is a branch of medicine dealing with the prosthetic rehabilitation of an absent, disfigured or malformed facial or body parts. The custom-made finger prosthesis is esthetically acceptable and comfortable for use in patients with amputated fingers, resulting in psychological improvement and personality. The success of the any prosthesis depends on the precision of planning the prosthesis, making the impression, wax sculpting and choosing the maxillofacial material that best suits the concerned circumstances. The article describes a simplified, cost effective and modified approach for fabricating thimble –type prosthesis in a case of lost finger tips.

Finger and partial finger amputations are frequently encountered problems leading to partial hand loss, which occur commonly due to trauma, congenital absence or malformations. All of these may present similar clinical challenges which can vary from loss of fingertip to complete finger amputation. Frequently, the loss of even the tip of a digit can be so emotionally disturbing to the patient that it deserves serious attention. Creating a life like prosthesis with characteristics such as pleasing shape, thin margins, lifelike fingernails, and realistic color, contours and details are essential for patient satisfaction, but to maintain all these qualities it needs good suspension. Recording a suitable impression of the residual supporting structure is primary requirement for obtaining better fit of the prosthesis. In the present case reports, successful prosthetic rehabilitation by fabricating thimble-type prosthesis for lost fingertip of middle finger in a young female is discussed.

A 24-year-old female patient came to the department with the chief complain of loss of upper phalange of the middle finger of left hand due to childhood injury. The patient was more esthetically and socially concerned with no functional problem reported as she was well adapted with time. Remnant of the nail was seen on the tip of amputated part. The distal amputation level was sub zone II as classified by Ishikawa et al. The patient was advised to cut her nail at timely interval, so that it may not affect the fitting of the prosthesis.

Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Protective Effect of Coenzyme Q10 in Mouse Testes Infected with Staphylococcus epidermidis


The abundantpresence of saprophytes microorganisms in microbiological cultures has acquired interest in the study of infectious pathologies. The protective effect of coenzyme Q10 in mice testes infected with Staphylococcus epidermidis was evaluated. Sperm characteristics and testicular histology of male mice (NMRI) infected with S. epidermidis and infected and co-treated with coenzyme Q10 were studied. Sperm density, motility and morphology of epididymis, as well as testicular weight and histology were evaluated at 21 days post-treatment. Sperm abnormal forms and higher banana form and vacuolization in the seminiferous epithelium were observed in infected mice. The morphologic alterations were reduced after the treatment with coenzyme Q10 in co-trated group. Coenzyme Q10 may be an important therapeutic option in the reversal of sperm damage as potent antioxidant, in the restoration of reproductive tract epithelium and probably in infertility in mice infected with S. epidermidis.

Genital tractinfections have been associated to infertility in many couples. The most studied microorganisms responsible among the causes of infectious infertility are Chamydia trachomatis, Mycoplasma hominis, Ureaplasma urealyticum, Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Treponema pallidum among others. The impact of bacterial infection on seminal parameters are leukocyte production, with reduction of sperm density, normal forms and motility. The aforementioned microorganisms have been associated with reduction of seminal characteristics; however, no specific changes have been defined in semen with high concentrations of Gram positive cocci. The frequency of Coagulase-negative Staphylococci (CoNS) in seminal samples has broad frequency ranges. CoNS are considered saprophytes microorganisms of male urethra and are observed with higher frequency in semen of infertile men. A study showed associated the concentration of CoNS 104CFU/mL in semen with increased round cells (specially seminiferous epithelial cells instead leukocytes) and abnormal sperm forms (microcephalic). Another study showed that the same species of CoNS isolated in semen from infertile patients inoculated in testicles of rodents led to detachment of cells of the seminiferous epithelium and increase of compacted heads with smaller size and with lower acrosomal volume probably associated to oxidative stress.

Tuesday, 18 September 2018

Case Presentation of a Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematous, A Tour through the More Unusual Presentationss


A twenty three year old female with no past medical history was referred to the Rheumatology clinic in 2009 following an acute illness managed by the Hepatologists. She presented with jaundice and diarrhoea. She had no risk factors for acute hepatitis and was not taking any hepatotoxic medication. Her liver enzymes were significantly elevated, suggestive of acute hepatic injury. Her bloods showed Bilirubin 300umol/L (0-20), ALT 1500IU/L (10-35), ALP 150IU/L (35-104 INR 1.5 and Albumin was 35g/L (34-50). Further investigations demonstrated a strongly positive anti-nuclear antibody (titre >1:5120). Anti-smooth muscle and anti-mitochondrial antibodies were negative. IgG was elevated at 23.18g/L (7.0-16.0 g/L). HIV and Hepatitis B&C serology was negative for previous infection. Subsequently a liver biopsy demonstrated evidence of acute hepatitis, with associated portal and lobular inflammation. She was treated with a tapering dose of oral prednisolone in combination with Azathioprine 75mg daily. Shortly thereafter she developed a macular rash, arthralgia and alopecia with an associated thrombocytopenia and lymphopenia.
Further investigations revealed positive antibodies to Ro and double stranded DNA 208IU/ml (0-50). C3 was low at 0.77g/L (0.90- 1.80). The ESR was elevated at 66mm/hr. The anti-phospholipid screen was negative with the exception of an IgM anti-cardiolipin antibody. A diagnosis of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) was made with associated lupus hepatitis.
She responded well to the initial treatment for several months with evidence of both clinical and serological remission. In early 2010 she presented again with mucosal bleeding and a petechial rash. Profound pancytopenia was noted with a platelet count of 0 (150-400 x109/l), haemoglobin 54 (115-155 g/l) with positive direct antiglobulin test. This flare was complicated by a retinal haemorrhage resulting in central vision loss. She underwent a diagnostic Bone Marrow Aspirate and Trephine (BMAT) which demonstrated red cell aplasia with normal megakaryocytic suggesting peripheral

Sunday, 16 September 2018

Symmetric Ulcerative Tumefactions on Buttocks


A 24-year-old bodybuilder man presented with a two months history of a progressively enlarging painful lesion on the buttocks. On physical examination, the patient had 7 to 12 cm red-brownish infiltrated tumefactions, with ulcerations on surface symmetrically on outer face of buttocks without fistula (Figures 1a & 1b). There was no regional lymphadenopathy and no other abnormalities were found. The patient was revealed that he had intramuscular injections of anabolic androgenic steroids for 6 months (methandienone and nandrolone decanoate). Skin biopsy showed foreign body granulomatous reaction with multi-nucleated cell.

Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids (AAS) abuse by the athletes has dramatically increased during the recent decades. They are used to improve athletic performance and male physical attractiveness. Cutaneous manifestations develop early in the use of anabolic-androgenic steroids, allowing making an early diagnosis of AAS abuse in patients.

Friday, 14 September 2018

Before Old Age-A Rare Case of Werner Syndrome


A 32 yr old male patient with a diagnosis of Werner syndrome is posted for debridement of non healing ulcer in the left lower limb. He was diagnosed with Werner syndrome 10 yrs back when he had developed cataract bilaterally and surgery under local anaesthesia was done for the same and vision was restored. Six years back he was diagnosed with type II diabetes mellitus and he has been on oral hypoglycemic agents since then. No history of chest pain or breathlessness. The patient has been having multiple ulcers on the lower limbs and frequently visits the dermatology clinic for regular dressings. These ulcers have been painful and so the patient was confined to the bed. Patient gives history of loss of molar teeth on either side. History obtained from the parents revealed that the patient’s sister had the same disease and died of ischaemic heart disease at the age of 25 yrs.

On examination, patient appeared to be 60 yrs of age, cooperative but unable to articulate his speech correctly. The head was large, there was loss of hair extensively over the scalp with premature greying, absent outer eyebrows and pale conjunctiva. The skin appeared to be non-elastic with decreased fat in the subcutaneous tissue and thin extremities. The chest was deformed with prominent lower ribs. Chest was clear on auscultation and cardiac sounds were well heard. Multiple small ulcers were seen on the upper and lower extremities. A large ulcer measuring 7x8 cms was seen in the left ankle which needed debridement under anaesthesia.

Airway examination revealed mouth opening of 1.5 cms with Mallampati grade IV. Neck extension was slightly restricted. Thyromental distance was normal. Mild scoliosis was present on examination of the spine. Investigations showed hemoglobin -9.6 gms%, platelet-3.6 lakhs/dl, INR-1.1, RBS-217gms/dl, FBS-126gms/dl, HbA1C-7.0, renal function tests, serum electrolytes were within normal limits. Left lower limb arterial doppler study revealed generalized atherosclerotic changes of lower limbs with biphasic spectral waveform. Electrocardiography and echocardiography were normal.

The Influence of Acupuncture on the Expression of PDK and Α-KGDHC in Vascular Dementia Rats


Vascular Dementia (VD) is a common dementia disease after Alzheimer’s disease. It accounts for 1/5 of the dementia. Similar to Japan, VD has a higher proportion in China than Alzheimer’s disease. However, the pathogenesis of vascular dementia is still unclear. Cerebral blood vessels lesions, caused by vascular risk factors, play an essential role in the development of vascular dementia. Numerous researches show that reduced global cerebral ischemia and reperfusion can lead to brain dysfunction and cognitive decline. These conditions can obviously cause a shortage of brain energy supply. And some metabolic syndromes like insulin resistance and dyslipidemia are associated with lower cognitive performance. The insulin resistance is relate to lower arterial blood flow and reduced cortical perfusion. Insulin signal disorder can cause the reduction of energy substrate, such as ATP in the brain. Recent reports have shown that improving the metabolism of ATP in the brain may be a potential way to treat cerebral ischemic diseases.

As we all know, the tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA) is the main physiological process of ATP formation. When the body is short of oxygen supply, the activity of this process weakens, resulting in the decrease of ATP production, which hinders the normal function of brain. Pyruvate dehydrogenase synthase (PDK) and Alpha Ketoglutaric Dehydrogenase (α-KGDHC) are two key enzymes of aerobic oxidation of glucose. Under aerobic conditions, pyruvic acid enters TCA cycle through the action of PDH. While α-KGDHC is the key step to control the cycle smoothly. A recent research shows that regulation of PDK1 can control the development of some risk factors of vascular dementia such as hypertension, obesity, diabetes and stroke.

Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase A1298C Polymorphism and Autism Susceptibility


Autism is a complex neurodevelopment disorder involving multiple organ systems, primarily immunological, gastrointestinal and neurological ones and appears in the early years of life. It is currently estimated that 3-6 children out of 1000 worldwide have autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The incidence of autism has increased rapidly in recent decades. It is a heterogeneous neurological disorder characterized by three core behavior abnormalities-namely, deficits in social interaction, reduced verbal and nonverbal communication, and highly focused stereotyped behaviors that emerge after a period of relatively normal development. A number of factors such as genetic, epigenetic, environmental and autoimmune function have been implicated in the etiology of autism.

One carbon (C1) metabolism is a likely pathway to regulate epigenetic processes in autism. CI metabolism is comprised of three interconnected pathways-folate cycle, methionine cycle and transsulfuration cycle. The folate and methionine pathway mediates de novo nucelotide synthesis for DNA repair and replication and DNA methylations. The transsulfuration pathway balance cellular redox.

There are several evidences that in autistic children, DNA methylation and DNA repair are altered  as well as dysregulation of redox homeostasis which reinforces a critical role for CI metabolism in the etiology of ASDs. One carbon metabolic pathway include several genes and most of them are polymorphic especially methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) and methionine synthase reductase (MTRR) and frequency of mutant alleles varies greatly worldwide.

Monday, 10 September 2018

Nutritional Profile of Spirulina platensis, Chlorella vulgaris and Azolla pinnata to Novel Protein Source for Aquaculture Feed Formulation


Fisheriesand aquaculture make crucial contributions to the world’s well-being and prosperity. In the last five decades, world fish food supply has outpaced global population growth, and today fish constitutes an important source of nutritious food and animal protein for much of the world’s population. In addition, the sector provides livelihoods and income, both directly and indirectly, for a significant share of the world’s population. Aquaculture’s success and continuing growth have been more important for our world. The world’s population is projected to reach 9.3B in 2050 according to the medium variant of UN projections. Fish is a key source of protein, essential amino-acids and minerals, especially in low-income, food-deficit countries. Aquaculture growth has averaged 8% per year since the late 1970s (faster than human population growth), bringing fish production to a total of 142 Mt in 2008. About 115Mt are currently directed to human use, providing an estimated per capita supply of about 17 kg person-1yr -1, an all time high.

The aquaculture growth has relied heavily on fishmeal and fish oil. Fishmeal is an internationally traded, high protein powder, which results from the industrial processing of small pelagic fish (e.g. anchovy, sardine, capelin, and herring). It is a key component of the aqua feed of salmon, trout, shrimp and other farmed marine species supplying essential amino acids, fatty acids and other micronutrients. Due to these properties, FM has become one of the primary components of commercial feed formulations. The demand for FM in aquatic feeds has been estimated to account for 31% to 42.5% of total world FM production. However, as a result of a decreasing supply of fishery byproducts and concerns over its quality, the aquaculture industry is now actively investigating alternatives nutrient sources. In the last two decades, although worldwide FM production remained at a relatively stable level, it still could not match the rapid worldwide development of aquaculture. The cost of FM increased constantly, which caused the price of commercial feed increase sharply. Thus, there is an urgent need to find alternative protein sources to make up for the shortage of FM and to secure a stable supply for commercial diets. Now a day, the considerable interest and research have been focused on the developing unicellular organisms such as yeast, molds, bacteria, microalgae and fungi as additives to aquaculture feeds.

Pulmonary Artery Sling: Anesthetic Challenges and Fast Track Technique

This is the first case of pulmonaryartery (PA) sling with tracheal stenosis to be reported in our center, Ain shams University hospital for the past 10 years, although our experience with cardio-thoracic surgery started over 60 years, we still don’t have reported cases and formulated anesthetic technique for PA sling procedures. We are fully aware that this pathology is very rare and it could account for less than 1% of congenital heart diseases candidates for corrective surgeries. Vascular rings are a nightmare for most of anesthesiologists as it is may affect the trachea causing tracheal stenosis and obstruction. The exact pathology of pulmonary artery sling is that the left pulmonary artery (LPA) arises from the distal origin of the right pulmonary artery (RPA), the LPA runs in a tortuous retro-tracheal location causing posterior compression on the trachea in the pre-carinal level.

2 years old, 10kilograms, male infant presented with marked airway obstruction and repeated chest infection not responding to medical treatment, investigations revealed a PA sling with tracheal stenosis measuring 4.0mm (Figure 2), with complicated functional atrial septal defect (ASD). Surgical team decided to go for a definitive repair of the sling and relief the compression on cardio-pulmonary bypass. Airway management was crucial for fear of tracheomalacia, preoperative fiberoptic bronchoscope was irrelevant, chest radiographs revealed right lung consolidations and tracheal stenosis just above the carina as mentioned, but there were no signs or symptoms of severe airway obstruction or stridor, chest examination revealed bilateral inspiratory rhonchi and coarse Crepitations, sepsis markers as c-reactive protein were negative and no signs of active infection was present, Echocardiography revealed ASD measuring 4.9mm with normal pulmonary artery pressure besides the PA sling, other laboratory profile were unremarkable, so we decided to start inhalational induction and insert an armored tube size 4mm ID without difficulty and ventilated on a pressure support mode, P insp 12 and applying 5 Cm H20 PEEP, lung recruitment maneuver was needed after induction by ET tube suctioning, bronchodilators, and Dexamesthasone 2mg iv, ETCO2 is maintained 25-30 mmHg throughout the operation.

Friday, 7 September 2018

Testing the Experts

In absence ofreliable models and prevailing data paucity expert judgments constitute a valuable alternative for land degradation assessments. Yet, these qualitative expert opinions are branded as subjective and non-reproducible as tests for consistency are missing and qualitative classes remain difficult to interpret. This communication summarizes formal procedures to test expert judgment for consistency, reproducibility while correlation with quantitative data makes qualitative judgments interpretable.

Devastating effectsof land degradation on natural resource quality, landscape heritages and ecology have far reaching consequences for current and future human well-being. The cry for action to curb the catastrophic effects of land degradation at national scale, the level where most decisions on land use take place, seem, therefore, justified. Yet, assessing degradation processes at larger scale is not an easy task. Despite vast resources spent on development of degradation models there are hitherto no reliable quantitative assessment methods available to prioritize interventions at regional or national scale. The main reason is the chaotic and highly unpredictable nature of the degradation process that is influenced by many factors, some of which are poorly understood. Indeed absence of dense and long term monitoring networks impede explanation of the year-to-year variation of land degradation in its geographical dependence of natural resources and land use. Instead land degradation assessments increasingly resort on qualitative expert opinions that express the state of land degradation in ordered qualitative classes information that is easy to collect and inexpensive. Yet, principal criticism on uniformity, reproducibility and interpretability permeate these assessments and this communication aims to address these concerns and by introducing tests for consistency, formalizing the relationship between expert judgments and explanatory variables and quantifying boundaries of the qualitative assessments.

Thursday, 6 September 2018

Implementation of a Solution for the Remote Monitoring of Subjects Affected of Metabolic Diseases: The Metabolink Project


Diabetes represents one of most serious public health disease. The aim of the Metabolink project was to develop a smart solution for elderly people with diabetes and obesity, in order to promote a healthier style of life, improve diabetic control trying to reduce overall cost for the community.It consists of an app for Smartphone linked to a system and a process of data collection based on bi dimensional barcode (qr code) and NFC-tag technologies.
The system was accepted by all the patients and they learned efficaciously in a few hours to use it. Unfortunately we observed a drop-out of about 50% in the first month. Patients remaining in the study refer a slight improvement in the Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire (Q-LES-Q) and General Satisfaction Questionnaire (GSQ) and they decided to continue to use it after the end of the follow-up.
The diabetes represents one of most serious public health disease for the planet. The WHO estimated about 60 million of subjects are affected in Europe. In Italy the rough prevalence is 5.8%. The prevalence of disease in the next years will grow both as a result of the aging of the population and to the increase of the risk factors such as overweight and obesity, sedentary lifestyle and lack of proper nutrition education. Milestone studies have shown that an intensive glycemic treatment significantly reduces microvascular complications with a moderate positive long-term effect on macrovascular complications. The health care systems are called to face this disease that it has not only direct cost linked to pharmacological and complications treatment but also an indirect significant social cost. It is therefore essential for the diabetic patient to carry out a continuous and accurate monitoring of clinically relevant parameters (as blood glucose, blood pressure) and to follow a health life style in order to reduce disease complications permitting to live better maintaining independence for much more longer time. Moreover the majority of patients with diabetes is older and frequently present significant comorbidity making the integrated management of the disease more complex. The aim of the Metabolink project was to develop a smart solution for elderly people with diabetes and obesity, in order to promote a healthier style of life, improve diabetic control (glcaemic control, blood pressure, adherence to a specific diet and treatment) trying to reduce overall cost for the community. The approval of the study for experiments using human subjects was obtained from the local Ethics Committees on human experimentation. Written informed consent for research was obtained from each patient or from relatives/legal guardian in the case of critically disabled demented patients prior to participation in the study.

Wednesday, 5 September 2018

A Program of Medical Students as Teaching Assistants in an Anatomy Course: Effectiveness and Improvement


Modern medical education emphasizes non-technical competency. Programs in early medical education that enhance interprofessional communication and teamwork introduce students to their future team members in the current landscape of healthcare. While skills-based interprofessional programs have been encouraged, few have implemented similar measures for interprofessional teaching. Recommendations exist for development of such interprofessional programs in the pre-clinical setting and acquisition of shared competencies to facilitate patient care. Research has indicated a positive impact of early teaching experiences on the development of core teaching competencies, but data on medical student teaching in an interprofessional setting are limited. Only one other institution has reported using medical students to teach physician assistant students in a first year anatomy course. These studies, however, do not address areas in which teaching assistants can improve across a variety of modalities, such as coordination of shared dissection time, baseline knowledge of anatomy with admission of the lack there of, and attentiveness to the specific needs of the student teams. Although reviews have described positive benefits to student teachers in areas of academic learning and professionalism the student learners’ perspective is often left unaddressed. In determining areas wanting for improvement, it follows that student feedback and student perception of teaching assistants may be the most constructive input.
The medical student Teaching Assistant (TA) program was established in 2014 at Sidney Kimmel Medical College and has been shown to contribute to core competency development in medical students. Here, we aim to continue analysis of this program with further insight on the impact teaching assistants have on Physician Assistant (PA) students. Attempts to unmask previously undiscovered and unaddressed areas for improvement with specific questionnaire items may allow for a more targeted approach to improving the experiences of both parties.

Monday, 3 September 2018

New Multi Wavelength Method for the Estimation of Tazarotene and Hydroquinone in Gel Formulation

Hydroquinone is benzene-1, 4-diol chemically or also known as quinol having the chemical formula C6H4(OH)2. It is topical agent used for treatment of certain skin conditions. In skin creams it is also used as de-pigmenter agent and antioxidant in the photography industry. Hydroquinone acts by inhibiting the melanin formation. Due to toxicological effects of hydroquinone it can cause dermatitis. In skin toning creams hydroquinone and some of its derivatives are present. So the determination of hydroquinone and its derivative in cosmetics is very important for the protection of human health. Tazarotene is member of the acetylenic class of retinoids. Tazarotene is chemically (ethyl 6-[2-(4, 4-dimethyl-3, 4-dihydro-2H-1-benzothiopyran-6-yl)-ethynyl]-pyridine-3-carboxylate). It is a third-generation topical retinoid. It is available in the form of cream, gel, or foam. Tazarotene is used for treatment of psoriasis, acne and photo damage skin.

Tazarotene is a prodrug which is converted to its active form by rapid de-esterification in humans and animals. Tazarotenic acid binds to all three members of the retinoic acid receptor (RAR) family: RARα, RARβ, and RARγ but shows relative selectivity for RARβ, and RARγ which may modify gene expression. The clinical significance of these findings is unknown.

Tazarotene plus hydroquinone is used in treatment of photo damaged facial skin. Literature review reveals that the efficacy of tazarotene is improved, when applied in combination with hydroquinone. A very few analytical methods are available for the estimation of drugs like tazarotene and hydroquinone in combination in pharmaceutical dosage formulation. The non-availability of analytical methods as on date for the concurrent analysis of multi-component formulations made it worthwhile to pursue the present research work. The developed method is also been validated as per ICH guidelines. The scope of developing and validating and analytical method is to ensure a suitable method for a particular analyte more specific, accurate and precise. The main objective for that is to improve the condition and parameters, which should be followed in the development and validation.

Jackfruit Allergy – An Increasing Exotic Problem Linked to the Oral Allergy Syndrome


Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus), otherwise known as breadfruit, is a member of the mulberry family. Allergic reactivity to jackfruit has only rarely been reported. We describe five cases of jackfruit allergy in people of Asian origin evident several years after their migration to the UK. All the patients had a long history of Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (SAR) and allergic reactivity to fresh fruit such as apples and peaches as part of an Oral Allergy Syndrome (OAS). Skin testing with the raw jackfruit was confirmatory but blood tests in all but two of the cases were negative.

Outline details of five patients with jackfruit allergy are provided below. The critical details of the symptoms surrounding allergic reaction to jackfruit, symptoms indicative of Oral Allergy Syndrome (OAS) and the blood and skin prick testing results are all provided.

A 49-year-old woman of Indian origin developed features of a systemic allergic reaction within 2 minutes of consuming roughly 10gms of fresh jackfruit. Emergency treatment with anti-histamines, hydrocortisone and adrenaline was used by the ambulance crew and she had improved significantly on reaching hospital. Despite an allergic reaction to fresh apple 6 years previously, she was still able to tolerate commercial long life apple juice and there were no other fruit sensitivities. She had moderate asthma and there was no indication of latex or kiwi fruit allergy.

The Role of High Intra-Abdominal Pressure During Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (HIPEC) in the Treatment of Spontaneously Ruptured Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Multi-Center Retrospective Study

Objectives: This study explores the clinical value of surgical resection combined with Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (HIPEC) und...