Glaucomais known to affect 60.7 million people worldwide with the estimated prevalence
in India being 11.9 million. Diagnosis of glaucoma is made in presence of
characteristic optic disc changes and corresponding visual field defects.
Visual impairment related to glaucomatous damage can only be prevented if the
disease process is identified and treated early in its course. Morphometricevaluation of the optic nerve head, perimetry and tonometry contribute to the
final diagnosis of glaucoma. The analysis of the optic disc is the most
important step in the diagnosis of glaucoma and therefore a careful clinical
observation should be performed to separate glaucomatous changes from normal
optic disc. Optic disc is most commonly assessed using the 78 or 90 dioptre
lens at the biomicroscope and an estimate of cup: disc ratio and neuroretinal
rim is noted. Several methods have been developed to evaluate optic disc
morphologically such as Heidelberg Retinal Tomography and Optical Coherence
Tomography. These techniques require expensive equipment and clear media.
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