
Saturday, 23 March 2019

Acquired Sturge Weber Syndrome due to Methotrexate Induced Folic Acid Deficiency in an Adult Patient


The64 years old female patient presented to the emergency room with blurred vision, impaired visual field and episodes of migraine aura like fortification illusions, and persistent headaches with decreasing intensity over the past days. Three years ago, patient admitted to hospital with headache and suspected brain infarction. A cerebral CT showed a small, wedge-shaped hypo density with superficial cortical calcifications in the right occipital lobe. The contra lateral occipital lobe showed slight hypo dense areas within the sub cortical white matter. The patient’s history, additionally, included rheumatoid arthritis since 2007, which was treated with methotrexate (MTX, 15mg weekly) subcutaneous. The patient, however, revealed, that she was not utterly adherent to her intake of folic acid after MTX application.

Atcurrent admittance, neurological examination showed visual extinction phenomenon to the lower left and mild optic ataxia to the left. There were no nevi on the patient’s face or in her eyes. An intellectual disability or hemi paresis could not be observed. Family history showed no neurological diseases. The blood tests on admission showed low levels of folic acid (3.9μg/ml). Levels offolic acid were not measured prior to presentation at hospital. Blood samples from the past years showed continuously increased values for Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV) and Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (MCH) up to 103fl and 35pg, respectively. Anti-gliadin antibodies were negative. EEG showed abnormal slow brain activity with delta waves over the right parieto-occipital lobe.

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