
Thursday, 9 May 2019

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Major Depression Disorder: A Case Report of Yemeni Woman


A Yemeni woman was in 30 presented to our emergency unity via the general physician in the residence hall where she is living. She settled in Morocco about one year ago to continue her studies to achieve the equivalence of her diploma of neuro-physiologist which she obtained in Yemen. After a long struggling with managing dementia in her mother the three last years, she was alone in front of that, her father went and married again, her brother traveled to Malaysia and lost his novella. She had in the same time conflicts with her husband because she discovered he is homosexual which impacted her a lot. The health of her mother became critical and the situation became more delicate with the war ambiance. Our patient had material difficulties to cover the hospitalization needed to her mother, and she was jobless too, she was victim of moral harassment in university where she was teaching neurophysiology. Her mother dead because of bed rest complications. After death of mother, she vended all what she had as goods to start her life in Morocco.

In-depthinterview was used to gain qualitative data and insight into her personal experiences as a Yemeni woman refugee after death of her mother. The case reported here was manifested by nightmares and periods of unreality associated to problems in concentration and social isolation. Suffering professional harassment while civilian war in Yemen. Therefore, she opened up to us about her experience after her divorce when she discovered the reality that her husband is homosexual. We found Major Depression Disorder’s (MDD) criteria associated to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder’s criteria.

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