AcinetobacterBaumannii is a gram-negative
coccobacillus. it is an opportunistic pathogen in immunocompromised patients,
that attracted considerable attention for the last 40 years as the most
important emerging bacterial pathogen. this is explained by its ability to
colonize the biotic and abiotic surfaces with high resistance to disinfectants
but also to desiccation by formation of biofilms. baumannii currently
occupies an important place in hospital pathology globally, with an important
role in potentially epidemic nosocomial infection. indeed, infections due to a.
baumannii are frequent and severe with high morbidity and mortality. a.
baumannii is also characterized by its ability to over-regulate its innate
resistance mechanisms, but above all to acquire new resistance mechanisms whose
diversity is impressive with various genetic supports. therefore, the
therapeutic options for this bacteria are very limited. knowledge
of local epidemiology is essential to monitor trends in antibiotic resistance,
in order to determine the magnitude of this phenomenon, to adapt the protocols
of probabilistic antibiotic therapy and to evaluate actions to fight this
bacterium. the aim of this study is to determine, through a 6 year descriptive
study (from 2010 to 2015), the evolution of the epidemiological profile of a.
baumannii isolated at the university hospital mohammed vi in marrakech
(morocco) and evaluate levels of resistance to different antibiotics.
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