
Monday, 11 February 2019

Malakoplakia of the Vulva Following Lung Transplantation


A67-year-old woman with a past medical history of interstitial lung disease, status post bilateral lung transplant, presented with persistent painful bilateral labial lesions, which first appeared three months post-transplant. The lesions were biopsied and initially diagnosed as an abscess. Additional lesions developed and cultures grew Escherichia coli; however, despite treatment with multiple antibiotics and tapering of immunosuppressive agents, the lesions never resolved. A subsequent pelvic exam revealed three to five erythematous papules on bilateral labia measuring up to 4 mm in greatest dimension without spontaneous drainage. The patient underwent complete excision of all vulvar lesions and the specimens were received in surgical pathology.

Microscopicexamination revealed a nodular proliferation of sheets of histiocytes occupying the dermis with admixed lymphocytes and neutrophils, underlying an unremarkable epidermis. Numerous targetoid, basophilic Michaelis-Gutmann bodies were conspicuously seen within the proliferation, highlighted by von Kossa and periodic-acid Schiff stains. Special stains for infectious organisms were negative. A diagnosis of malakoplakia of the vulva was made.

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