
Friday, 22 February 2019

Fractal Approaches to Image Analysis in Oncopathology


Mandelbrot’sconcept of fractal geometry is a powerful approach in order to precisely characterize natural structures, structures that follow geometric laws not in common with the classic Euclidean rules. The term “fractal” is related to highly irregular shapes, with non-integer, or fractional, dimensions, and a property known as self-similarity. Unlike a smooth Euclidean line, a fractal line is irregular or wrinkly, it owns a non-integer dimension: values placed between 1 and 2 observing a 2D image. If we imagine observing this fractal line with the lens of a microscope with increasing power of magnification we look smaller wrinkles that resemble the wrinkles of the larger ones. Further magnification shows yet smaller wrinkles and so on.

Ina theoretical (mathematical) fractal that behavior is repeated toward the infinite, in a natural fractal this is only true for few scales, at least for two order of magnitude: the object presents subunits that resembles the larger scale structure, maintaining the same, shape, at least statistically, if observed at various magnification: a property named self-similarity, that give us an index called fractal dimension. Fractal dimension may be explained as a statistical index of complexity, able to characterize the space-filling capacity of a pattern. Fractal analysis has become in recent years very powerful to study many phenomena in astrophysics, economics, agriculture as well in biology and medicine.

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