
Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Dendritic Spine Modifications in Synaptic Plasticity

Synapticplasticity is regarded as the cellular mechanism underlying the refinement of neural connections during development and learning/memory functions in adults. Alterations in dendritic spine morphology (elongation or shrinkage) and/or spine density occur with synaptic plasticity. This structural modification has been proposed to enable persistent, long-term change in synapses. Here we review spine modifications associated with synaptic plasticity and discuss their contributions to synaptic plasticity and brain diseases.
Dendritic spines are small postsynaptic structures protruding from dendrites and the primary site of excitatory input. About 90% of excitatory synapses occur on spines on the excitatory neurons in the adult cortex. Spines are usually divided into three types based on the size, spine head shape, and spine neck length. Mushroom spines have large heads and constricted narrow necks, thin spines have small heads and slender necks, while stubby spines have no distinct heads and necks. This categorization is to provide an easy classification while the actual distribution of spine shapes is of a continuum.
The recent development of two-photon imaging allows spine morphology and dynamics to be studied in great detail using timelapse and repetitive imaging, and has enabled the study of spine alterations in response to physiological or pathological events. For example, dendritic spines are dynamic in genesis and elimination, especially during brain development. In adolescence, spines show much higher elimination than formation which results in net spine loss or pruning. However in the adult, the rate of spine genesis and elimination is much reduced and roughly equivalent, which maintains the stability of spine density.
Spines are considered a unique calcium compartment. Spine plasticity is demonstrated by their capacity to undergo both rapid (seconds) and persistent (months to years) alterations in response to either physiological or pathological events. Large spines may be the storage site of stable long-term memory, while filopodia are considered as the immature form of spine which can be transformed into mature spines or eliminated. Spine plasticity is exhibited in two forms: changes in spine morphology/size and changes in spine density. Both changes reflect altered synaptic connections and strength. In neurodegenerative and psychiatric diseases, spine density and morphology are altered, and these changes may partially account for alterations in brain functions associated with these diseases. Thus a better understanding of spine pathology may provide better therapeutic intervention.

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