
Friday, 10 November 2017

Advancement Towards Microfluidic Approach to Develop Economical Disposable Optical Biosensor for Lead Detection

Aneconomical single use optical biosensor has been developed for lead detection using a microfluidic approach. The present study represents the initiative step for amalgamation of microfluidic and advanced biosensor technologies which offers rapid analysis with lab-on-a-chip policy. Urease producing Bacillus sphaericus was co-immobilized with phenol red (pH indicator) in the glass capillary which acted as a microchannel. For immobilization, a combination of sol-gel approach and calcium alginate method cited first time in literature was used which reduced the time of solidification to seconds as compared to hours with sol-gel alone. Bioassay principle was based on urease inhibition in the presence of lead. Fiber optic spectrophotometer was used as transducer which measured the intensity of color change. Linear relationship (10-1000 μg/L) was observed between logarithmic concentration of lead and absorbance. The study resulted in the development of cheap, miniaturized, sensitive and reliable lead biosensor with requirement of small sample volume (1 mL).

Increasedenvironmental awareness and stringent environmental regulation led to the dire need of the techniques for the fast, easy and economic detection of various pollutants like heavy metals, pesticides and toxic gases. Heavy metals are among the most hazardous pollutants due to their ubiquitous presence in the biosphere, their bioavailability from both natural and anthropogenic sources as well as their high toxicity even at trace level. Lead is among the toxic heavy metals which harm the body when present above the threshold concentration. The higher concentration of lead (>18 μM) in the blood may cause coma and death. It affects different parts of the body particularly brain and central nervous system. Accumulation of lead in the body produces damaging effects associated with hematology, neurology and nephrology which include paralysis, mental retardation and neural deafness. The substitution of calcium in the body with lead causes impairment in the development of bones and teeth. Human exposure to lead occurs primarily through leadbased paints, industrial waste, water from lead-laden pipes, soil and dust generated from gasoline and food items like milk, dairy products and imported candies. The cattle grazing on the metal contaminated fields transmit lead contamination in the milk and dairy products. A threshold lead limit of 10 μg/L was estimated in food and water by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) while 5 μg/L in drinking water by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). It is mandatory, therefore, to detect the lead in food samples and drinking water to prevent the deleterious effects of lead. Conventional methods to detect heavy metals like differential pulse polarography, Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS), Differential Pulse Cathodic Stripping Voltametry (DPCSV) are superseded by the use of biosensors.
Biosensorsare analytical tools capable of providing either qualitative or quantitative results, consisting of an immobilized biological recognition element such as an enzyme, antibody or cell receptor immobilized to a physicochemical transducer to create a single unit. Now-a-days biosensor technology has emerged as the most promising tool for detection of heavy metals being costeffective, fast, selective, sensitive, portable, easy to use and reliable. A number of lead biosensors have been developed using various transducers like conductometer, electrochemical and optical  based on whole cell, enzymes or DNAzyme.

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