
Friday, 17 November 2017

Textile Industry Wastewater Treatment Using DAP, Urea, and Polymer AQUATREAT @AR 06


TextileIndustry is one of the most important and largest industrial sectors in Pakistan. It has a high importance in terms of its environment impact, since it consumes large quantity of textile industrial processed water and produces highly polluted discharge water. The textile industry uses high volume of water throughout its operation, from the washing of fibers to bleaching, mercerizing, dyeing, printing and washing of finished products. A process data collection was performed and integrated with a characterization of the process effluents in terms of treatability and reusability. In this research we use 98% Concentrated Sulfuric Acid for the Neutralization i.e. to maintain pH, Di Ammonium Phosphate (DAP) and Urea for the bacterial growth i.e. to decrease Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), and we use AQUATREAT @AR 06 for as an efficient coagulation and flocculation agent. The water treated and purified by using this method can be used for the agricultural purposes or can be drain to sewer without any hesitation.

The world’s water consumption rate is doubling every 20 years, outpacing by two times the rate of population growth. The availability of good quality water is on the decline and water demand is on the rise. Worldwide availability of fresh water for industrial needs and human consumption is limited. Various industrial and developmental activities in recent times have resulted in increasing the pollution level and deteriorating the water quality. Water shortages and unreliable water quality are considered major obstacles to achieve sustainable development and improvement in the quality of life. The water demand in the country is increasing fast due to progressive increase in the demand of water for irrigation, rapid industrialization, and population growth and improving life standards. The existing water resources are diminishing (i) due to unequal distribution of rain water and occasional drought, (ii) excessive exploitation of ground water sources and its insufficient recharge, (iii) deterioration of water quality due to the discharge of domestic and industrial effluents without adequate treatment. This is resulting into water stress/ scarcity. Country is currently passing through social and economic transition. The proportion of the population which is urban has doubled over the last thirty years (and is now about 30%), agriculture now accounts for about 25% of GDP and the economy has been growing at around 7-9% a year. Country has a highly seasonal pattern of rainfall, with 50% of precipitation falling in just 15 days and over 90% of river flows in just four months.
Textile Industry is one of the most important and largest industrial sectors in Pakistan. It has a high importance in terms of its environment impact, since it consumes large quantity of textile industrial processed water and produces highly polluted discharge water. The textile industry uses high volume of water throughout its operation, from the washing of fibers to bleaching, mercerizing dyeing, printing and washing of finished products .

Textile industry causes considerable higher impacts to water pollution by discharging their effluents into various receiving bodies includes ponds, rivers and other public sewer. Major pollutants load from the textile industries are from the several of their wet -processing operations like scouring, bleaching, mercerizing and dyeing. Among these various processes, dyeing process normally uses large amount of water for dyeing, fixing and washing processes. Thus, textile wastewater possess a high COD concentration, large amount of suspended solids, broadly fluctuating pH, strong color, high temperature and low biodegradability caused by varying contaminates within water environment. The textile industry is one of the most polluting industries in term of discharge volume and effluent composition. The dye effluent is characterized by strong color, high Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) with pH varying from 2 to 12. The removals of color and COD reduction pose greatest problems in textile industry. Conventionally effluents containing organics are treated with adsorption, biological oxidation, coagulation, etc.

1 comment:

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