
Thursday, 29 November 2018

Measurements of Electroencephalogram (EEG), Galvanic Skin Resistance (GSR) and Heart Rate Variability (HRV) during the Application of a System that Gives Simultaneously tVNS and Brain Entrainment on Subjects Affected by Depression and Anxiety


Thedevice that we have used, is a system realized by the NuCalm  designed with the purpose to treat subjects affected by depression, anxiety, stress. The whole system consists of four components that leverage biochemistry, neurophysiology, and physics to obtain and maintain parasympathetic nervous system dominance. Previously, we have performed an HRV analysis just on tVNS only. Let us express how the four components work together. First, NuCalm topical cream is applied to the carotid on the neck and it is designed to act counteracting adrenaline. It includes structured, nutrient-sourced building blocks (Active ingredients are PharmaGABA, Lactium (Casein Tryptic Hydroylsate), L-Theanine and L-Tyrosine) that rapidly create a natural relaxation response. Second, the system uses the micro current stimulation patches, a tVNS system that is placed behind each ear at the Mastoid Process. Research has shown that this device induces an increase of parasympathetic response. Next, a noise- dampening headphones.

are used to deliver proprietary nonlinear oscillating neuroacoustic software to bring the brain wave pace to the pre-sleep stages (12Hz -4Hz) via brain entrainment. Finally, Light-blocking eye masks are used to negate visual stimuli. The aim of the present paper is to study the combination of these four components in subjects having Psychological Disorders (P.D.) as depression and anxiety. We have studied the Electroencephalogram (EEG), the Galvanic Skin Resistance (GSR) level and the HRV during the complete treatment in subjects affected by anxiety and/ or depression.

Solace Lifesciences, Inc., of Wilmington, Delaware, USA, furnished the NuCalm device. 100 young subjects affected by anxiety, or depression were examined. To test the subjects each potential participant was given a nonstructured interview following the criteria of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V). Participants selected for the study showed symptomatology of anxiety or depression.

Wednesday, 28 November 2018

Social Pathology of Drug Abuse, Addiction and the Possible Problems Generated


Anydeviation from the permissible acts in any society is an abnormal behavior. If these abnormal acts are pronouncedly deviant and pose threat to communal peace and order, then they are known as crimes. Therefore, crime may be defined as an act inimical to social peace and harmony. So, crimes are hurtful to social stability, and are more expected to appear in larger cities. To be able to control and prevent crimes, we need to study the various causes and roots of crimes in a systematic manner. However, the discipline involved in such a systematic investigation is known as criminology.

Oneof the increasing vulnerabilities observed in megacities at present is addiction in general within the young cohort which often leads to prostitution by the female youth. When any female allows use of her body for sexual relation against payment of some money to many persons, this is an immoral activity and poses a threat to the society. Prostitution is considered immoral and unsocial because it commercializes and degenerates love, and asserts the supremacy of bodily values over social and moral.

The scope of criminology is quite vast and wide. It is relates to all social classes and structures. However, criminologists have tried to limit its scope so as to be able to study the subject scientifically and systematically. To elaborate it, here are the viewpoints of some notable criminologists: According to the science of criminology “includes within its scope the process of making laws, of breaking laws, and of reacting towards the breaking of laws”. According to Sutherland’s description of the scope of criminology, we can divide it into departments: The sociology of law, criminal etiology and penology.

Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Immediate Load Implants: Systematic Review on the Clinical Success Assessment and Follow Up


Earlyloading was identified as a critical factor and therefore, several waiting times were attempted until the establishment of a period of at least three months for the mandible and five to six months for the maxilla. The first studies of implant follow-up constituted the scientific basis of modern implantology. Both a two-stage surgical protocol and a single surgical procedure protocol required a waiting time for osseointegration (OI) to occur.

Thisconcept of a healing period, before the implants were submitted to functional load, was based on the existing knowledge related to bone repair of fractures and osteotomies that required a period of 3 to 6 months before the functional loads could be gradually applied. With the advancement of the researches, even considering the high clinical success rates of the late loading techniques, some researchers began to question the possibility of reducing the time for the implants to be submitted to the load, since the loading by itself would not impede the process of healing. Therefore, Immediate loading (IL) was defined as “installation of a prosthetic element on implant without OI.

As a recentliterature support, a total of 378 implants were placed in 56 patients. Forty upper and lower arches were restored and 16 patients received bimaxillary rehabilitation. The mean duration of follow-up was 50 months, and the patient’s prevalence of implant and peri-implantitis was 14.3% and 50.0 %, respectively. The mucosa affected 56.9% of the implants and 50.0% of the patients. The survival rate was 96.4% per patient, but reached 99.5% in the implant-based analysis and the success rate was 95.5% for implants and 80.4% for patients. Full loaded full arch restorations immediately have an acceptable result after 1 to 9 years of follow-up. However, the incidence of peri-implant diseases is high, and further research is needed to confirm whether these can compromise the predictability of prostheses in the long term.

Monday, 26 November 2018

Dermatoscopy can Impact Biopsy Method


Dermatoscopyhas impacted diagnostic accuracy for skin malignancy to the extent that this now has the potential to influence choices of surgical biopsy procedures for the benefit of patients. For this potential to be realised dermatoscopy and surgical decision-making need to be integrated. This can happen in dermatology, primary care and surgical practice. This editorial will consider what is possible by applying recent advances in dermatoscopy to optimise decisions on biopsy method in the management of all suspected skin malignancies, both melanocytic and non-melanocytic.

Dermatoscopyis a relatively recent non-invasive diagnostic tool only having made an impact on the management of skin malignancy in the last 30 years. It was shown to significantly improve diagnostic accuracy for pigmented melanocytic lesions as early as 2001 and for pigmented non-melanocytic lesions in 2010 but it was not until 2018 that dermatoscopy was shown to improve diagnostic accuracy for non-pigmented skin lesions in general. In Australia and New Zealand, the countries with the highest incidence of skin cancer in the world, dermatoscopy has been standard of care with respect to the management of pigmented skin lesions since 2008. Parallel to the compelling evidence for its efficacy the uptake of dermatoscopy is increasing as evidenced by membership of the International Dermoscopy Society, now exceeding 14,000 individuals from 168 countries.

Dermatoscopyuse varies world-wide which is understandable with technology which did not exist when senior dermatologists, surgeons and general practitioners (GPs) were trainees. A cross sectional study in the USA in 2010 reported that 79% of dermatologists had used a dermatoscope. In a survey in the UK in 2012, 98.5% of respondents, mainly consultant dermatologists and registrars reported regular dermatoscopy use. A survey on dermatoscopy use by Australian dermatologists published in 2011 reported a rate of 98% compared to 33% for Australian GPs in 2007.

Sunday, 25 November 2018

Endodontic Treatment and Restoration of a Mandibular First Premolar Type IV Wiene’s Root Canal Configuration with IPS E.Max CAD Technology: A Case Report


Knowledgeof the complexity of root canal anatomy and common variants is necessary for the success of root canal treatment. Clinically, it is important to know that a root has a single root canal at the pulp chamber floor that splits into multiple root canals at a certain point of the root canal length; it is also important to determine the level of the root canal where the separation occurs. Root canal spitting in the middle and apical root canal sections may go unnoticed, is more difficult to manage and may affect the cyclic fatigue of endodontic instruments. Weine’s classification system of root canal configuration has long history of use and classified the root canals into four types. Type I is one continuous root canal with one orifice and one exit. Type II is a canal with two orifices which combines into one before reaching the portal of exit. Type III refers to two distinct canals which has two distinct orifices and two distinct portal of exit. Type IV refers to canal which has one orifice and diverges into two canals which has separate portal of exit.

Themain objective of root canal therapy is thorough shaping and cleaning of all pulp spaces and its complete obturation with an inert filling material. The presence of an untreated canal may be a reason for failure. A canal may be left untreated because the dentist fails to recognize its presence. The mandibular premolars are difficult to treat as they have a high flare-up and failure rate. It may be due to the extreme variations in root canal morphology. Normally the root canal system of the mandibular second premolar is wider buccolingually than mesiodistally with two pulp horns. At the cervical line the root and canal are oval; this shape tends to become round as the canal approaches the middle of the root. If two canals are present, they tend to be round from the pulp chamber to their foramen. Another anatomic variation is that a single, broad root canal may bifurcate into two separate root canals. Direct access to the buccal canal is usually possible, whereas the lingual canal may be very difficult to find. The lingual canal tends to diverge from the main canal at a sharp angle. In addition, the lingual inclination of the crown tends to direct files buccally, making location of a lingual canal orifice more difficult.

Wednesday, 21 November 2018

Dietary Patterns and Oncological Morbidity in European and Mediterranean Countries


NCD:Chronic Noncommunicable Diseases; Euro: European countries; Med: Mediterranean Countries; BMI: Body Mass Index; BH: Blood Cholesterol Level; BG: Blood Glucose; BP: Blood Pressure; GDP: Per Capita Income; EEI: Ecological Efficiency Index; HDI: Human Development Index; QR: Interquartile Range; FAO: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

Eachyear, 15 million people die from a Chronic Noncommunicable Diseases (NCD) between the ages of 30 and 69 years; over 59% of these followed by cancers (8.8 million), which pose a threat to human longevity. Cancer is the main cause of morbidity and mortality in developed countries.

It is shown that in the Mediterranean countries the incidence of breast cancer and Alzheimer’s disease are lower. The authors point out the protective effect of the Mediterranean diet, with low share of animal protein containing products and high share of unsaturated fatty acids. It is shown that eating disorders in prenatal period can contribute to predisposition to non-infectious chronic diseases (NCD) at an older age. Diets with high share of fats and calories are risk factors for cancer. There is little information about the risk of high-calorie diets with different sources of calories (fats, proteins, carbohydrates). We have shown that a risk factor for breast cancer may be a Western diet that contains the same level of total energy as the Mediterranean diet, but a different source of Proteins and Fat. It is shown that food behavior, the regulation of which is complicated, may be a risk factor for obesity and breast cancer, as well as other cancer types. But food is a modifiable factor. Therefore, the negative impact of nutrition on NCD can be reduced by developing safe, low-immune diets.

Tuesday, 20 November 2018

Sudden Cardiac Arrest during Treadmill Test Secondary to Slow Coronary Flow


Slowcoronary flow is an attractive phenomenon, has been investigated for years. Clinical features of slow coronary flow changes from just angina pectoris to sudden cardiac death. It was first described by Tambe et al, in 1972. In this case, we reported 41 years-old patient with no history of chronic disease, was asked to perform treadmill test due to his family’s high cardiovascular risk factors. Sudden cardiac death secondary to ventricular arrhythmia was also reported before. In our case there was interestingly just cardiac asystole without ventricular arrhythmia.

A51 years-old man was admitted to outpatient clinic for cardiac screening. When medical anamnesis was deepened, we learned that he applied to cardiology clinic because of high family cardiovascular risk factor. There was no exertional chest pain and no history of medical drug usage in his anamnesis. Resting Electrocardiogram (ECG) was totally normal. He underwent treadmill test on Bruce protocol in order to induce coronary ischemia. In second minutes of the treadmill test new left bundle branch block also extreme bradycardia appeared. Sudden cardiac arrest occured Figure 1 After five minutes of cardiac resuscitation heart rhythm was provided. 3 mg of atropine was intravenously given to patients in five minutes in order to prevent the bradycardia.

Thepatient was immediately taken to the catheter laboratory. Coronary Angiography (CAG) was performed, Left Anterior Descending artery (LAD) and Left Circumflex Artery (LCX) were totally normal whereas there was extremely slow blood flow in the Right Coronary Artery (RCA). CAG showed slow dye opasification and delayed distal vessel clearance during selective injection in right coronary artery. To standardize the degree of slow antegrade filling, TIMI frame count method was used. Antegrade filling in the LAD and LCX was normal with TIMI 3 flow. In contrast the patient had TIMI 2 flow in RCA, TIMI frame count was found to be 60.

Monday, 19 November 2018

Transparency of Medical Spas in North Carolina


Datafrom the American Society of Plastic Surgeons indicates that minimally invasive cosmetic procedures are on the rise. From 2000 to 2015, botulinum for cosmetic use increased 759%, soft tissue facial filler increased 274%, laser hair removal increased 52%, and chemical peels increased 14%. While touted to be minimally invasive, devastating complications have been reported from these procedures, including skin necrosis, loss of vision, and disfigurement from scarring, infection, stroke, and even death. A literature review by Beleznay, et al revealed 98 world-wide reported cases of blindness after filler injection and found that the highest risk anatomical locations were the glabella and nasal region. In another study, Park, et al reported 44 cases of permanent vision loss occurring from obstruction at varying branches of the ophthalmic artery and found that this complication was more frequent in patients receiving autologous fat injections followed by hyaluronic acid.

In2004, a North Carolina college student died of neurotoxicity after improper use of a 10% lidocaine 10% bupivacaine topical anesthetic for laser hair removal. Safe and effective performance of these procedures is contingent upon proper training, knowledge of the relevant anatomy and tissue physiology, appropriate patient selection, and the ability to promptly identify and manage impending complications.

Medicalspas combine the concept of a day spa with a medical clinic to offer a myriad of medical and surgical aesthetic procedures. As the popularity of minimally invasive cosmetic procedures has increased, so has the abundance of medical spas in the United States, which grew in number from 471 in 2003 to 1,750 in 2011. While by definition a medical spa requires a physician medical director, specific laws and regulations vary by state with many states lacking clear rules on patient safety issues including the delegation and supervision of procedures, adverse event reporting, and transparent marketing. A 2011 study by Choudhry, et al contacted 50 United States state medical boards and found that of the 31 state boards that responded, 63% allowed the medical director to delegate procedures to non-physician providers, only 42% required physician on-site supervision, and 13% expressly allowed off-site supervision. Even within states with stronger regulations, medical spa transparency and adherence to these laws remains unclear.

The Comparison of Early Maladaptive Schemas and Perceived Stress between Iranian Single-Parent and Single-Child Adolescents


Thefamily is a group consisting of parents and children living together in a household. Adolescence is one of the most critical developmental stages. Single-parent and single-child phenomena can develop mental health problems in such adolescents. The aim of the study was to compare Early Maladaptive Schemas (EMSs) and perceived stress between Iranian single-parent adolescents and single-child adolescents. This was an Ex-Post Facto research. The sample was 60 Iranian female adolescents (30 single-parent and 30 single-child) who were selected from the Culture, Hazrat Zahra, and Farzanegan schools at Tehran city. The instruments were the Young-Short Form Schema Questionnaire, and Perceived Stress Scale. Data were analyzed using MANOVA, univariate ANOVA, and independent t-test by the SPSS23 software. There were significant differences between two groups in the EMSs of Emotional Deprivation, Mistrust/Abuse, Vulnerability, Emotional Inhibition, Unrelenting Standards, and Insufficient Self-Discipline (p<0.05). There was a significant difference between two groups in perceived stress (p<0.001). The single-parent adolescents showed more EMSs and higher perceived stress than single-child adolescents. The conditions of single-parent adolescents can lead to mental health problems. They should be considered as a high-risk group for the development of psychiatric disorders.

Thefamily is the first founder of personality, values, emotions, intellectual, and moral standards. Today, children and teens may not have one of parents in their life. In a single-guardian family, there is only one of the parents and the guardianship of child is left with another parent. Factors of single-guardian family may include death, and divorce. Also adopted children who were born without marriage of their parents together, may live in a single-guardian family. Since a child has certain emotional needs in any of his developmental stage; a parent cannot solve them lonely. So the reactions are different at any age stage. In higher ages, the first reaction of children toward a parent’s death or divorce includes a mourning period. Because teens sometimes have tensions with their parents, additional to mourning, they are blamed themselves and constantly imagine that they were not a good offspring, so they lost their parents. Given the fact that teens are looking for identity and autonomy, they likely less pattern from their parents, tend to peers, or under influence of adults who are interested in them. Therefore, it is difficult for parents who are alone to raise their offsprings.

Thursday, 15 November 2018

Large Diameter Esophageal Leiomyomas


Benigntumors of the esophagus are rare lesions that constitute less than 1% of esophageal neoplasms. Leiomyomas represent a hyper proliferation of interlacing bundles of smooth muscle cells that are well-demarcated by adjacent tissue or by a smooth connective tissue capsule. They usually arise as intramural growths, most commonly along the distal two thirds of the esophagus. They are multiple in approximately 5% of patients. The majority of leiomyomas have been discovered incidentally during evaluation for dysphagia or during autopsy. Bleeding rarely occurs in cases of benign disease but typically is observed with leiomyosarcoma, the malignant counterpart of this tumor. The potential for malignant degeneration of leiomyomas is extremely small. In the distal esophagus, leiomyomas may reach large proportions and may encroach on the cardia of the stomach.

Benigntumors of the esophagus are rare and leiomyoma is the most common benign tumor of the esophagus. It is reported that most leiomyomas originate the inner circular muscle layer of the distal and midthoracic esophagus, particularly at the esophagogastric junction. Middle-aged men are most frequently affected. The main symptoms usually are dysphagia and epigastric pain, but they are not specific for the disease. The size of the esophageal leiomyoma may change; a size of 1 to 29 cm has been defined in the literature. But most of them were smaller than 5 cm in diameter. Tumor that size larger than 7cm is rare. It was easily misdiagnosis as mediastinal mass, esophageal cancer and esophageal stromal tumor. Its clinical feature and management are different with other smaller esophageal leiomyoma. Here, a patient with large calcified esophageal leiomyoma who was treated in our institute is presented, initial discuss its diagnosis and management against the background of previously published cases and series.

Wednesday, 14 November 2018

The Pressuromodulation Effects of Small Molecules on Cells in Relation to the Molecular Size-Exclusion Limit for Facilitated Diffusion Across Cell Membrane Channel Pores into Cells


Areproducible measure of molecular size is the van der Waals diameter (vdWD, nm) of a molecule represented as a sphere, and that of molecular philicity is the predicted alcohol-to-water partition coefficient (Log P) and the derived philicity for size ratio, Log P/vdWD (nm-1). These predicted measures have been previously applied to study the physiologic permeation thresholds for anionic, cationic, polyhydroxylated and neutral small molecule hydrophilic polar molecules entering systemic circulation across the less restrictive zona adherens inter-epithelial cell junction complex pores of gastrointestinal/pulmonary barrier epithelium, and thereafter, entering the central nervous system parenchyma across the more restrictive zona occludens inter-endothelial cell junction complex pores of the blood-brain barrier the permeation threshold for anionic and cationic small molecule hydrophiles across these barriers is lower than that for equivalently-sized neutral hydrophiles due to greater hydrophilicity for size (-Log P/vdWD) as charged and poly-hydroxylated hydrophiles interact with the cell membrane proteoglycan-rich glycocalyx around epithelium barrier junctions, rather than permeating across junctional complex pores. Therefore, both molecular size and hydrophilicity are co-determinants for the diffusion of hydrophiles across barrier inter-cellular junction pores; whereas, the vdWD is the primary determinant for more neutral hydrophiles, for which the permeation thresholds have been narrowed within an interval but remain open-ended as they do for apolar/non-polar small molecule lipophiles.

Endogenouslybiosynthesized and secreted peptide factors and cell membrane (CM) channel pore-excluded small molecule hormone-ligands to CM receptors also cross inter-cellular barriers for paracrine effects, and then pressuromodulate cells, in synergism with CM channel-permeable and subcellularly-localizing small molecules to regulate nuclear gene transcription and sub-cellular organelle function. Many CM receptor-localizing and/or CM channel-permeable subcellularly-localizing including endogenous hormones and exogenous molecules, some of toxic potential, are apolar/non-polar lipophilic small molecules. Therefore, in order to reproducibly predict the biologic potential of lipophilic small molecules, many of which are toxins/toxicants, and their biodistribution pharmacodynamics into tissue interstitial spaces including that into the brain parenchyma, the upper limit of molecular size-exclusion across the BBB inter-endothelial junction pores needs to be determined. The exact cellular molecular size-exclusion, lipophilicity and hydrophilicity limits for small molecule facilitated diffusion across cell membrane (CM) carrier-mediated transport channels into cells also need to be determined, in order to characterize the specific cellular and sub-cellular pressuromodulation effects and downstream molecular pathways involved.

Tuesday, 13 November 2018

Robotic Surgery for Mastitis Complicated With Tricuspid Valve Infective Endocarditis: Case Report


TricuspidValve Infective Endocarditis (TVIE) accounted for 5% to 10% of infective endocarditis. The researches of TVIE are increasing due to intravenous drug abusers are more often seen in healthcare settings. However, TVIE caused by mastitis is extremely rare. According to the definition by the World Health Organization (WHO), mastitis refers to as an inflammatory condition of the breast, possibly accompanied by infection and usually associated with lactation. Mastitis often occurs in postpartum women. Once abscesses form in mastitis, generally surgical incision and drainage are required. In a joint study conducted by National Yang Ming University Hospital and Heping Fuyou Branch of Taipei City Hospital, it was found that 88% of mastitis in Taiwan was caused by Staphylococcus aureus. In which, more than half of them are Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA). According to a study, 77% of patients can be cured from ultrasound-guided drainage without surgery. It is important to conduct health education to prevent patients from mastitis-associated complications. Once mastitis is complicated with TVIE, profound bacteremia and cardiac valve damage will be frequently accompanied. Early surgical valve repair is necessary to be considered due to Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus are often seen. By robotic surgery, rapid postoperative recovery is expected due to the small surgical wound.

A35-year-old woman who breastfeeded complained of fever and chills for 2 weeks. Meanwhile, right breast pain with erythematous change over 11 to 3 o’clock was noted and mastitis was impressed. While admission, vital signs showed that blood pressure was 94/63 mmHg and heart rate was 93/min. Physical examination showed no evidence of cardiac murmur, or marble markings over bilateral legs. Laboratory test revealed leukocytosis (white blood cell, WBC 17900/ μl) and elevated C-reactive protein (242.4 mg/L). Echocardiography showed myxomatous mitral valve with mild centric mitral valve regurgitation, mild Tricuspid Valve Regurgitation (TR), a 2.1* 0.9 cm fluttering echogenic mass over posterior leaflet of tricuspid valve. Transesophageal echocardiography showed two fluttering echogenic masses over posterior and anterior leaflet (1.8* 1cm, 1.6* 1cm) and mild TR (Figure 1). Blood culture yielded Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Thus, antibiotic with Vancomycin was prescribed. However, off-and-on fever and vomiting were still noted.

Monday, 12 November 2018

Dengue Associated Multiple Organ Failure


Dengueis a disease caused by an arbovirus, which has four related virus serotypes (DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3, and DENV-4) and is currently the most important mosquito borne viral pathogen affecting humans, emerging as a major threat to global health. Its incidence has increased more than 30-fold in recent decades alongside the geographical expansion of the Aedes vector mosquitoes. It is estimated that 3 billion people live in areas at risk of contracting dengue and some 390 million infections (96 million symptomatic) and 20,000 deaths from dengue occur every year in the endemic regions.

Dengueis a systemic and dynamic infectious disease. The infection may beasymptomatic or presents itself with a broad clinical spectrum that includes both severe and non-severe clinical manifestations for which the timing or sequence of infections can be an important determinant of disease severity and course. Severe Dengue includes Multiple Organ Failure (MOF) which usually but not always is a consequence of prolonged or recurrent shock.

Dengueillness is clinically classified as either dengue with or without warning signs or severe dengue. This classification was launched by the WHO in 2009 for the purpose of improving clinical management. The warning signs permit the early identification of patients with more severe disease manifestations who require supportive therapy. This classification has substituted the previous 1997 WHO system that addressed and underscored the two pathological phenomena, plasma leakage and abnormal haemostasis, associated with the disease. Under this classification, patients were designated as having either Dengue Fever (DF) - a non-specific febrile illness and the most common manifestation of DENV infection - or Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever/Dengue Shock Syndrome (DHF/DSS) - a combination of plasma leakage and coagulopathy, sometimes accompanied by bleeding, that can lead to a rapid fall in blood pressure and consequently to circulatory shock and organ impairment.

Sunday, 11 November 2018

Estimation of Sodium and Potassium Intake in 24-Hours Urine, Aljouf Region, Northern Saudi Arabia


Highlevels of dietary sodium (consumed as common salt, sodium chloride) are associated with raised Blood Pressure (BP) and adverse cardiovascular health. Epidemiological studies and clinical trials provide compelling evidence for a detrimental effect of sodium intake on BP among both hypertensive and normotensive individuals. In addition to its’ effect on BP, excess dietary sodium consumption has been associated directly with Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) and stroke.

Despitethe wealth of evidence about the unfavorable effects of salt consumption on BP and cardiovascular health, public health efforts to decrease sodium consumption have been limited to few countries. Individuals are often unaware of the detrimental effects of salt on health and the Eastern Mediterranean region is not an exception where the majority of salt consumed is hidden in processed foods.

Both observational and experimental data support an independent and positive relationship between sodium intake and blood pressure, most clearly among hypertensive populations. Potassium intake, on the other hand, has been inversely related to blood pressure. Hypertension is a strong predictor of Cardiovascular Disease (CVD), especially stroke; inappropriate intake of sodium and potassium is likely to be associated with increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.

This study aimed to measure24-hour urinary sodium and potassium excretion among residents of Al-Jouf region, northern Saudi Arabia to estimate average intake of sodium and potassium. As a result this research aims to generate evidence-based public health interventions to reduce sodium intake and thereby decrease the burden of cardiovascular diseases.

Friday, 9 November 2018

Relationship between Body Mass Index and Hypertension among Police Officers in Port Harcourt


Amidstthe ravaging burden of obesity and hypertension in developing countries, there is limited information on the contribution of Body Mass Index (BMI) to Blood Pressure (BP). This study investigates the relationship between BMI and hypertension among police officers in Port Harcourt. A total of 245 police subjects between the ages of 21-60 years were used for the study. The subjects were divided into three major groups; Administrative, Traffic and Mobile police officers. Their mean blood pressure (systolic and diastolic) was measured and their BMI, calculated as weight (kg) divided height (m2). The result showed the BMI of the males increased with age in contrast to the females that was independent of age as shown by the z-test of the means BMI of the sample police men and police women. Also, hypertension was prevalent among the major groups, with the prevalence of hypertension higher among obese officers (22.90%) in comparison with non-obese hypertensive (17.55%) and nonhypertensive obese (15.90%) in both male and female police. The result from the study also showed the correlation between systolic blood pressure – obesity and diastolic blood pressure -obesity for hypertensive and obese police subjects were (-0.738 and 0.403; -0.3.69 and 0.312) respectively. This shows there was a significant relationship between hypertension and obesity.

Highblood pressure (hypertension) is a blood pressure disorder characterized by a persistent increase in both systolic (pressure>140mmHg) and diastolic (pressure>90mmHg) pressures respectively. Reports have it that, high Blood Pressure (BP) is estimated to cause 7.1 million deaths, about 13% of the total globally. Research reports emphasize that overweight and obesity increases the risk of high BP, coronary heart disease, ischemic stroke, type II diabetes mellitus and certain cancers. Globally, about 58% of diabetes mellitus and 21% of ischemic heart disease are attributable to BMI above 21 kg/m2. Obesity predisposes an individual to a number of cardiovascular risk factors including hypertension and elevated blood cholesterol. In women, hypertension in over weight/obesity individuals is nearly three times higher in comparison with normal adult females and the risk in overweight males is nearly six times greater than in normal adult males.

Thursday, 8 November 2018

Development and Validation of Zero and First-Order Derivative Area under Curve Spectrophotometric Methods for the Determination of Midodrine Hydrochloride in Bulk Material and in Pharmaceutical Dosage Form

Hydrochlorideis a long acting α-adrenergic agonist that causes elevation of systemic blood pressure, accompanied by a reduction in heart rate. Midodrine is a pro-drug of desglymidodrine (DMAE), developed by the attachment of the amino acid approach glycine to the functional amine of DMAE. It is therapeutically used, as a racemic (rac) mixture, for the treatment of orthostatic hypotension. The pro-drug Midodrine is primarily converted into its active metabolite desglymidodrine after oral administration, mainly in the liver and in the systemic circulation by unknown peptidases. After oral administration, Midodrine is rapidly absorbed. The plasma levels of the pro-drug peak after about half an hour, and decline with a half- life of approximately 25 minutes, while the metabolite reaches peak blood concentrations about 1 to 2 hours after a dose of Midodrine and has a half-life of about 3 to 4 hours. Until now, the metabolism of Midodrine has not been extensively studied. Midodrine was developed by an amino-acid approach through the glycine promoiety attachment to the functional amine of desglymidodrine. Midodrine is a substrate for the intestinal H+ -coupled peptide transporter 1 (hPEPT1). This carrier mediated transport raises the bioavailability of Midodrine Hydrochloride to 93% when compared with 50% for desglymidodrine.

Asuitable and validated method should be vacant for the drug delivery system for analysis of bulk drug, for release dissolution studies and estimation of drug in biological samples. The literature survey acknowledges that various methods for the determination of Midodrine hydrochlorides are noted. Some methods have been developed based on radioisotope-labeled techniques, High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) with fluorescence and Ultraviolet (UV) detection, and the Capillary Electrophoresis (CE). Hence, our study reports a simple, precise and economical UV- Spectrophotometric method for estimation of Midodrine Hydrochloride in bulk and tablet formulation. The method was validated according to ICH guidelines.

Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Quantum-Chemical Description of the Propensity of Amino Acids of Formation of the Peptide Bond

Thetheoretical description of biochemical processes for the development of the main direction of natural science - biophysical chemistry is very actual. In recent years, for a quantitative description of complex biochemical processes the modern method of quantum chemistry - Density Functional Theory (DFT) is widely used. Including and for investigation of the mechanism of peptide bond formation too. It is assumed that the inductive and steric effects of the R-groups of amino acids have an effect on propensity of peptide bond formation. A quantum-mechanical study of different possible mechanisms of peptide synthesis in the ribosome has been carried out using density functional also. Analysis of database of protein sequences for all possible binary patterns of polar and non-polar amino acid residues revealed that alternating patterns occur significantly less often than others with similar composition. To facilitate understanding of the information available for protein structures, has been constructed the structural classification of proteins (scop) database. This database provides a detailed and comprehensive description of the structural and evolutionary relationships of the proteins of the known structure. Analysis of extant proteomes has the potential of revealing how the frequencies of amino acids within proteins have evolved over biological time. It was shown that presented here residues of cysteine, tyrosine and phenylalanine have substantially increased in frequency.

Tounderstand more fully how amino acid composition of proteins has changed over the course of evolution, a method has been developed for estimating the composition of proteins in an ancestral genome. This method was used to infer the amino acid composition of a large protein set in the Last Universal Ancestor (LUA) of all extant species. It is proposed that the inferred amino acid composition of proteins in the LUA probably reflects historical events in the establishment of the genetic code. Several different formal definitions of local complexity and probability are presented and are compared for their utility in algorithms for localization of such regions in amino acid sequences and sequence databases. The occurrence of all di- and tripeptide segments of proteins was counted in a large data base containing about 119 000 residues.

Monday, 5 November 2018

Ultrasound Characteristics of Triple Negative Breast Cancer - A Case Series and Review of the Literature


The management of breast cancer and its prognosis is dependent on numerous biological and molecular variables. Cancers which do not express receptors for Oestrogen (ER), progesterone (PR) or human epidermal growth factor 2 (HER2, previously ERBB2) are termed triple negative (TRN). TRN cancers tend to occur in younger women and confer a worse prognosis than the other breast cancer subtypes. Early identification of these TRN subtypes could facilitate aggressive therapy and hence better outcomes.

Some recent publications have looked at image characteristics of TRN cancers and the diagnostic accuracy of different imaging modalities in predicting triple negative status. Literature reports TRN cancers exhibit certain specific morphological features, which could assist quicker TRN tumour type diagnosis before the histology reports are available. However, there is a lack of consensus amongst authors regarding which features that are typical of TRN disease. Moreover the studies have tended to be of small sample size, which has made the statistical analysis of questionable value. In this study, we have reviewed the literature and report our experience with ultrasonic features of TRN tumour type at our institute.

Aconsecutive series of patients who had triple negative breast cancer were identified from our institutional database in between 2008-2012. Two dedicated breast radiologists analyzed their image characteristics. Any correlation between ultrasonographical features was compared against the findings highlighted by the published relevant literature.

Saturday, 3 November 2018

Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Surgery through Manubrium Sparing Mini-Sternotomy


Theimportance of off-pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) surgery through manubrium sparing mini-sternotomy was presented in this article under the light of previous literature and our own technique was mentioned on the basis of an operated case. Off pump CABG surgery with manubrium sparing mini-sternotomy is a plausible choice of surgical treatment for the suitable patients and leads to fast recovery in the postoperative period due to lesser surgical trauma. All of these outcomes will result in the lower cost of hospitalization and higher patient’s satisfaction.

Coronaryartery bypass surgery which has been changing and progressing very rapidly since 1960s, has come to a point that could not be foreseen at the onset of its history. While in those days, the questions which techniques and which grafts need to be used couldn’t be duly answered and much earlier, in 1910, while Alexis Carrel reported a negative report that would discourage other surgeons to perform this surgery whereas today’s surgeons are now pursuing the questions of what the smallest incision is, how much little invasive it is, and how much cheap and successful the coronary bypass surgery can be done. For example, robotically assisted minimally invasive coronary bypass surgeries are no longer a freak for anyone.

Onthe other hand, when considering the increasing population rate and increasing number of patients today, it is also important that any surgical method has to be as cost effective as less invasive. From this point of view, it is a bit of imagination to hope that the robotic surgeries will become widespread all around the world. The biggest obstacle in this regard is the equipment, requiring high cost and therefore only a limited number of surgeons can have sufficient experience in this area.

Friday, 2 November 2018

Expression of Inflammatory Markers CD68 and SMA in Endarterectomy Specimens


Amongthe non-communicable diseases, atherosclerotic heart disease is considered a major health hazard in our country leading to increase morbidity and mortality. Atherosclerosis is regarded as a dynamic and progressive disease arising from the combination of endothelial dysfunction and inflammation. The classic concept of atherosclerosis as a disorder of lipid metabolism and deposition has gained wide acceptance. However, the story of atherogenesis extends beyond dyslipidemia.

Inrecent years, scientists have shown that inflammation is involved in the initiation (atherogenesis), lesion progression and ultimate complications leading to acute coronary and cerebrovascular catastrophes due to complications like plaque rupture, intra plaque hemorrhage and thromboembolism. The factors leading to the instability of a plaque includes increased accumulation of lipid, the thinness of the fibrous cap and local inflammation.

Therole of inflammation in atherosclerosis has been studied to a great extent in recent years and is considered a major factor for plaque vulnerability. Inflammatory mediators like cytokines promote the migration and proliferation of smooth muscle cells leading to their transformation into foam cells. Inflammation also leads to increased neo-vascularization of the plaque. There is need to study the immunohistochemical markers of macrophages and smooth muscle 

Thursday, 1 November 2018

Phototransduction in a Rabbit Model with Retinitis Pigmentosa


Retinitispigmentosa (RP) is a progressive disease that exhibits abnormalities in the photoreceptor cells of the rods and cones that detect light, and is characterized by symptoms such as night blindness, visual field constriction especially in the peripheral field, and reduced visual acuity. In Japan, this disorder is estimated to affect approximately 20 in 100,000 people and is the third leading cause of blindness following glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy. RP appears through a variety of genetic inheritance modes, including autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, and X-linked recessive patterns, and 40 or more causative genes have been identified. In many patients, however, genetic abnormalities cause this disorder to be under diagnosed.

Toovercome these difficulties, transgenic (Tg) rabbits with a P347L rhodopsin mutation were created by Kondo et al. They displayed symptoms extremely similar to findings in patients with RP and are considered to offer a useful animal model for elucidating the pathology of RP. However, when and where the degeneration begins are unclear, as are its underlying mechanisms and pathologies. There are many other unknown issues as well, such as how light is received and converted to electric signals in the steps leading to blindness, and why organisms with undeveloped vision such as rabbits receive light, and where photoreceptors are located in these animals. In humans, light is received by photoreceptor cells and is converted to electric signals to visualize an object.

Inclinical settings, we encounter patients with RP who maintain circadian rhythms in which the body wakes in the morning and becomes sleepy at night, and those who present a residual light response in which the pupil becomes smaller on exposure to light. This is unlike patients who have lost their vision due to other eye diseases. In other words, RP patients show partial response to light even when blind and unable to sense light. Based on these facts, we hypothesized the existence of photoreceptors other than the rods and cones of the photoreceptor cells. In this review based on our previous studies we report the mechanism of retinal degeneration and describe the process of phototransduction in Tg rabbits with a P347L rhodopsin mutation.

The Role of High Intra-Abdominal Pressure During Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (HIPEC) in the Treatment of Spontaneously Ruptured Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Multi-Center Retrospective Study

Objectives: This study explores the clinical value of surgical resection combined with Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (HIPEC) und...