
Wednesday, 18 July 2018

Inflammatory Stenosis of Ascending Colon: Differential Diagnosis between Granulomatous Disorders


We present a case of 36 years old woman investigated in the emergency department because of intermittent abdominal pain in Right Iliac Fossa (RIF) associated with distension of the abdomen and nausea. The clinical report reveals a history of diarrhea, weight loss in the last six months and appendectomy performed 3 months before. Histological exam of appendix resulted suspicious for Crohn’s disease (Figure 1-2). In addition the patient reported close contact with TB affected patient (her mother) in the last year. The blood tests reveal poorly inflammatory index (CRP 2.11mg/dl) and a mild impairment of liver tests (AST 53 UI/L, ALT 60UI/L, ALP 279 U/L, ϒ-GT 129 UI/L). Furthermore serology reveals a positive QuantiFERON-Tb Gold test that confirmed the positivity of Mantoux reaction. Coproculture and urinoculture were negative for BK.

Colonoscopy characterized stenosis of right colon with severe inflammatory response suggestive for Crohn’s Disease (Figure 3-4). A total-body CT scan performed has shown thickness and oedema of the last tract of ascending colon that involved part of ileum. In addiction paracolic and lateral neckcaseous lymphadenitis is described (Figure 5-6). We perform Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC) on lateral neck nodes (Figure 7) but Ziehl-Neelsen staining methods and RT-PCR resulted negative.

definitive histopathological examination revealed the presence of granulomatous inflammation with typical granulomas with localized caseous necrosis properties of TB (Figure 8-9). The Lowenstein-Jensen culture was positive for KB after 8th week. The patient underwent anti-TB therapy with resolution of symptoms. The endoscopic control after 4 months describes normal results of right hemicolectomy without any sign of inflammation.

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