
Monday, 19 March 2018

Lung Cancer Activity of Caralluma Species, an Overview

Genus Caralluma a perineal herb of Asclepiadaceae family, it is used as traditional medicine for the treatment number of diseases like diabetes, inflammation, leprosy, obesity, rheumatism, diseases of the blood helminthic diseases, stomach disorders, abdominal pains, septics, chronic lung diseases, such as tuberculosis and cancer. We focus critical evaluation of genus Caralluma use in the lung cancer treatment in this review.

Uncontrolled cell division that spreads throughout the body is cancer; it’s a group of diseases which can lead to death if not controlled. External factors (tobacco, infectious organisms, and unhealthy diet) and internal factors (inherited genetic mutations, hormones, and immune conditions) are the main causes of cancer. These i.e. external and internal may act composed or in order resulting cancer, it may pass a decade from exposure to detection of cancer. Among all types of cancers lung and breast cancers are most diagnosed and leading cause of deaths in men and women. WHO report states that the common causes of cancer deaths are cancers of lung (1.59 million deaths), liver (745 000 deaths), stomach (723 000 deaths), colorectal (694 000 deaths), breast (521 000 deaths), oesophageal cancer (400 000 deaths). Mainly cancer arises from the interaction of person’s genetic factors and three types of external factors like physical carcinogens (Ultraviolet and Ionizing radiation), chemical carcinogens (Tobacco, asbestos, smoke, aflatoxin, and arsenic) and biological carcinogens (virus, bacteria and parasites). 

The incidence of cancer is more in developed nations than less developed nations but mortality is more (65%) in less developed nations. Prostate cancer in men and lung cancer in women is leading death cause of cancer in more developed Nations, the burden of cancer is slowly shifting to less developed Nations due to the aging of the population and increasing pervasiveness. The genus Caralluma of Asclepiadaceae comprises of approximately 350 species all around the globe. Genus Caralluma normally prefers a dry habitat and decay when they are exposed to an excess of water. The support may be necessary, as they do not contain fibrous tissue. Some of the plants grow even up to a height of 100 cm under protection. Review of literature revealed medicinal uses of genus Caralluma. The distribution of Carallumas ranges from the Mediterranean to East Indies, mostly found in Southern Europe, Iran, Iraq, African countries like Kenya, Somalia, Sudan and Ethiopia, Arabian countries like Oman, UAE and Yemen and Asian countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Burma and Sri Lanka.

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