
Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Ameliorative Effect of Murraya Koenigii on Arsenic Induced Toxicity in Swiss Albino Mice


Arsenic is a metalloid that can be toxic to humans and other living organisms, occurs naturally and anthropogenically throughout the world at varying concentrations, including concentrations of concern in soil or groundwater. Presently, in Bihar (India) 18 districts are affected with arsenic poisoning in ground water causing lots of health hazards among the population. This arsenic intoxication has caused lots of health related problems in the population. The present study has been designed, to study the ameliorative effect of Murraya Koenigii on sodium arsenite induced toxicity in Swiss albino mice. The treatment groups received sodium arseniteorally at the dose of 3mgkg-1 body weight daily for 4 weeks followed by administration of Murraya Koenigii 350mgkg-1 body weight daily by gavage method for 4& 6 weeks. Their biochemical levels like liver and kidney function tests were assayed and were observed with elevated levels. Furthermore, their free radical assessment like lipid peroxidation levels were assayed which was found to be many folds higher. But, after administration of aqueous extract of Murraya Koenigii, there was significant amelioration in the biochemical and lipid peroxidation levels. Therefore, it is evident from the present study that Murraya Koenigii possesses antidote effects and acts effectively against arsenic induced toxicity.

Arsenic is ametalloid that can be toxic to humans and other living organisms, occurs naturally and anthropogenically throughout the world at varying concentrations, including concentrations of concern in soil or groundwater. Acute arsenic exposure harms human health in many ways including the development of malignancies, severe gastrointestinal toxicities, diabetes, cardiac arrhythmias, cancer and death. Natural sources such as volcanic action, erosion of rocks, and forest fires introduce arsenic into the environment (EPA, 2001). Anthropogenic sources include arsenic added to the soil plant system as insecticides, herbicides, pesticides, livestock dips and wood preservatives. It is estimated that more than 200 million people worldwide are chronically exposed to dangerous levels of arsenic which leads to several diseases, including various types of cancer. Arsenical exposure through drinking water is common in many areas of the world. Metabolic disorders, hypertrophy of adrenal glands and anaemia inhibition of the activity of steroidogenic enzymes and reduction in the weight of the testis and accessory sex organs are associated with exposure to arsenicals. Presently, in Bihar, 18 districts are highly affected with arsenic poisoning. The groundwater contamination by arsenic is maximum 1928ppb in Buxar district of Bihar.

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