
Friday, 30 December 2016

Austin Chemical Engineering


Austin Chemical Engineering is an open access, peer reviewed, scholarly journal dedicated to publish articles related to original and novel fundamental research in the field of Chemical Engineering. We are endowed with a faculty who are dedicated Editorial members and distinguished researchers that carry out cutting-edge research in all modern areas of chemical engineering, as well as in inter-disciplinary areas like nanosciences and technology, biosciences, soft matter physics, novel materials, high-performance computing and large multicentre studies of new therapies. It also provides state-of-the-art reviews on clinical and experimental therapies in chemical Engineering.

The journey through our website will provide you the information on our research efforts in science and engineering, the people, the place, the future plans and opportunities.

Austin Chemical Engineering is an open access, peer reviewed, scholarly journal dedicated to publish articles related to original and novel fundamental research in the field of Chemical Engineering.

Thursday, 29 December 2016

Austin Journal of Cerebrovascular Disease & Stroke

Austin Journal of Cerebrovascular Disease & Stroke is a peer reviewed, open access, academic journal that brings ground breaking investigations and progression in stroke research. This open access journal concentrates on the basic, translational and clinical aspects of stroke and cerebrovascular disease - areas include but not limited to stroke causes, epidemiology, signs and symptoms, Pathophysiology, diagnosis, prevention, management and rehabilitation. Austin Journal of Cerebrovascular Disease & Stroke is ardent to promote, pragmatic, rigorous reproducible research and scientific progress through open access platform.

Austin Journal of Cerebrovascular Disease & Stroke accepts manuscripts on areas of basic, translational and clinical aspects of stroke and cerebrovascular disease - areas include but not limited to stroke causes, epidemiology, signs and symptoms, Pathophysiology, diagnosis, prevention, management and rehabilitation for researches who are working as a basic scientists, cardiologists Neurologists, internists, interventionalists, neurosurgeons, and physiatrists.

Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Austin Journal of Cardiovascular Disease and Atherosclerosis


Austin Journal of Cardiovascular Disease and Atherosclerosis is a peer reviewed academic journal exclusively dedicated to publish diseases that effects cardiovascular system and blood vessels.

The aim of the journal is to provide a forum for cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, general physicians, pharmacologists, internists, researchers, physicians and other health professionals to find most recent advances in the areas of cardiology and cardiovascular diseases.

This open access journal cover all the aspects of cardiovascular disease and stroke such as heart failure, coronary artery disease, congenital heart defects, ischemic heart disease, congenital heart disease, coronary artery disease, electrophysiology, cardiac surgery, cardiomyopathy, valvular heart disease, vascular disease, hypertension and more.

Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Austin Journal of Cancer and Clinical Research

Austin Journal of Cancer and Clinical Research is an open access, peer reviewed, scholarly journal dedicated to publish articles in all areas of cancer research and oncology. The aim of the journal is to provide a forum for oncologists, researchers, physicians, and other health professionals to find most recent advances in the areas of cancer research.

Austin Journal of Cancer and Clinical Research accepts original research articles, review articles, case reports, clinical images and rapid communication on all the aspects of diagnosis and treatment of cancer.

Austin Journal of Cancer and Clinical Research strongly supports the scientific upgradation and fortification in related scientific research community by enhancing access to peer reviewed scientific literary works. Austin Publishing Group also brings universally peer reviewed journals under one roof thereby promoting knowledge sharing, mutual promotion of multidisciplinary science.

Monday, 26 December 2016



Scientists have found that stimulating the brain with magnets will bring back forgotten reminiscences, associate degree advance which will facilitate folks stricken by schizophrenic psychosis or depression.

"A ton of psychological state is related to the lack to decide on what to admit," aforesaid Brad Postle, academic at the University of Wisconsin-Madison within the US. "What we're taking are initial steps toward observing the mechanisms that offer US management over what we predict concerning," aforesaid Postle.Researchers found that brains tuck less-important data away on the far side the reach of the tools that generally monitor brain activity, so they snapped that data back to active attention with magnets.

They conducted a series of experiments within which folks were asked to recollect 2 things representing differing types of data. When the researchers gave their subjects a cue on the sort of question returning - a face, as an example, rather than a word - the electrical activity and blood flow within the brain related to the word memory disappeared. However, if a second cue came rental the topic recognize they might currently be asked this word, the brain activity would jump copy to level indicating it absolutely was the main target of attention.

"People have continuously thought neurons ought to keep firing to carry one thing in memory. Most models of the brain assume that," aforesaid Postle. "But we have a tendency to are observance folks bear inmind things nearly absolutely while not showing any of the activity that might go together with a nerve cell firing," he said.

"The indisputable fact that you're able to bring it back in any respect during this example proves it's not gone. It’s simply that we are able to not see proof for its active retention within the brain," he added. The researchers were able to bring the ostensibly abandoned things back to mind while not cueing their subjects. Using a technique known as transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to use a centered magnetism field to an exact a part of the brain concerned in storing the word, they might trigger the type of brain activity representative of centered attention.

Friday, 23 December 2016

Austin Biomolecules


Austin Biomolecules: open access is a peer reviewed, scholarly journal dedicated to publish articles covering all areas of Biomolecules.
The journal aims to promote latest information and provide a forum for doctors, researchers, physicians, and healthcare professionals to find most recent advances in the areas of Biomolecules. Austin Biomolecules: open access accepts research articles, reviews, mini reviews, case reports and rapid communications covering all aspects of Biomolecules.
Austin Biomolecules: open access strongly supports the scientific up gradation and fortification in related scientific research community by enhancing access to peer reviewed scientific literary works. Austin Publishing Group also brings universally peer reviewed journals under one roof thereby promoting knowledge sharing, mutual promotion of multidisciplinary science.

Thursday, 22 December 2016

Austin Biology


Austin Biology is an open access, peer reviewed, scholarly journal dedicated to publish articles covering all areas of biology.
The journal aims to promote research communications and provide a forum for doctors, researchers, physicians and healthcare professionals to find most recent advances in all areas of biology. Austin Biology accepts original research articles, reviews, mini reviews, case reports and rapid communication covering all aspects of biology.
Austin Biology strongly supports the scientific up gradation and fortification in related scientific research community by enhancing access to peer reviewed scientific literary works. Austin Publishing Group brings universally peer reviewed journals under one roof thereby promoting knowledge sharing, mutual promotion of multidisciplinary science.

Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Austin Biochemistry


Austin Biochemistry is an open access, peer reviewed, scholarly journal dedicated to publish articles covering all areas of Biochemistry.
The journal aims to promote research communications and provide a forum for doctors, researchers, physicians and healthcare professionals to find most recent advances in all the areas of Biochemistry. Austin Biochemistry accepts original research articles, reviews, mini reviews, case reports and rapid communication covering all aspects of biochemistry.
Austin Biochemistry strongly supports the scientific up gradation and fortification in related scientific research community by enhancing access to peer reviewed scientific literary works. Austin Publishing Group also brings universally peer reviewed journals under one roof thereby promoting knowledge sharing, mutual promotion of multidisciplinary science.

Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Journal of Blood Disorders


Journal of Blood Disorders is a peer-reviewed, open access journal published by Austin Publishers. It provides easy access to high quality Manuscripts in the branch of internal medicine, physiology, pathology, pediatrics covering etiology, diagnosis, staging, treatment, prognosis, and follow-up the diseased caused in either the three components of the blood namely red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets or sometimes even cause in the liquid portion of blood, plasma. This journal also focuses upon the study of blood diseases, blood malignancies, etiology, diagnosis, staging, treatment, drugs, epidemiology, and awareness.
Austin Publishing Group is a successful host of more than hundred peer reviewed, open access journals in various fields of science and technology with intent to bridge the gap between academia and research access.
Journal of Blood Disorders accepts original research articles, review articles, case reports, mini reviews, rapid communication, opinions and editorials on all the related aspects of hematology, blood diseases and blood malignancies.

Monday, 19 December 2016

Austin Biometrics and Biostatistics


Austin Biometrics and Biostatistics is a peer-reviewed, open access journal published by Austin Publishers. It provides easy access to high quality Manuscripts covering wide aspects of science of biostatistics that encompasses the design of biological experiments in various related fields like medicine, pharmacy, agriculture and fishery where the collection, summarization, and analysis of data, interpretations of data and inference. This journal also focuses upon the combination of biology and statistics, commonly referred as Biometry or Biometrics.
Austin Publishing Group is a successful host of more than hundred peer reviewed, open access journals in various fields of science and technology with intent to bridge the gap between academia and research access.
Austin Biometrics and Biostatistics accepts original research articles, review articles, case reports, mini reviews, rapid communication, opinions and editorials on all the related aspects of biometrics and biostatistics.

Friday, 16 December 2016

Austin Biomarkers & Diagnosis


Austin Biomarkers & Diagnosis is a peer-reviewed, open access journal published by Austin Publishers. It provides easy access to high quality Manuscripts covering aspects of measure and evaluation to examine normal biological processes, pathogenic processes, or pharmacologic responses to a therapeutic intervention. It also focus upon aspects of dynamic and powerful approaches in understanding the spectrum of disease with applications in observational and analytic epidemiology, randomized clinical trials, screening and diagnosis.
Austin Publishing Group is a successful host of more than hundred peer reviewed, open access journals in various fields of science and technology with intent to bridge the gap between academia and research access.
Austin Biomarkers & Diagnosis accepts original research articles, review articles, case reports, mini reviews, rapid communication, opinions and editorials on all the related aspects of biomarkers involved in normal biological processes, pathological process, and pharmacological responses as well as in diagnosing diseases.

Thursday, 15 December 2016

Journal of Bacteriology and Mycology


Journal of Bacteriology and Mycology is a peer-reviewed, open access journal published by Austin Publishers. It provides easy access to high quality manuscripts in all related aspects of two major sub branches of Microbiology namely Bacteriology: the study of Bacterial Mycology& the study of fungus. The Journal focuses upon the identification, classification, characterization of bacterial/fungal species and the infections and health issues caused by these dreadful bacteria and fungus.
Austin Publishing Group is a successful host of more than hundred peer reviewed journals, open access journals in various fields of science and technology with intent to bridge the gap between academic and research access.
Journal of Bacteriology and Mycology journal accepts original research articles, review articles, case reports, mini reviews, rapid communication, opinions and editorials in all related aspects of Bacterial Mycology & Fungal Species.

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

American Journal of Bioterrorism, Biosecurity and Biodefense


American Journal of Bioterrorism, Biosecurity and Biodefense is an international scholarly peer reviewed Open Access journal, aims to promote the research in all the related fields of Bioterrorism, Biosecurity and Biodefence.

American Journal of Bioterrorism, Biosecurity and Biodefense is a comprehensive Open Access peer reviewed scientific Journal that covers multidisciplinary fields. We provide limitless access towards accessing our literature hub with colossal range of articles. The journal aims to publish high quality varied article types such as Research, Review, Short Communications, Case Reports, Perspectives (Editorials), Clinical Images.

American Journal of Bioterrorism, Biosecurity and Biodefense support the scientific modernization and enrichment in Bioterrorism, Biosecurity and Biodefense research community by magnifying access to peer reviewed scientific literary works. Austin also brings universally peer reviewed member journals under one roof thereby promoting knowledge sharing, collaborative and promotion of multidisciplinary science.

Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Austin Journal of Biotechnology & Bioengineering


Austin Journal of Biotechnology & Bioengineering is an international, open access, peer reviewed Journal publishing original research & insights in all the related fields of Biotechnology & Bioengineering. Austin Journal of Biotechnology & Bioengineering covers major departments including but not limiting to biotechnology research and bioengineering in industrial sector such as agricultural biotechnology, molecular biology, food and beverages industry, textiles industry, biological products, medicines and pharmaceuticals while on the other hand this branch of science that caters to the requirements of agriculture, animal husbandry, nutrition and environmental conservation. Austin Journal of Biotechnology & Bioengineering provides a new platform for all researchers, scientists, scholars, students to publish their research work & update the latest research information.

Austin Journal of Biotechnology & Bioengineering is a broad Open Access peer reviewed scientific journal that covers multidisciplinary fields. We provide unbounded access towards accessing our literature hub with colossal range of articles. The journal aims to publish high quality varied article types such as Research, Review, Short Communications, and Perspectives (Editorials).

Austin Journal of Biotechnology & Bioengineering supports the scientific modernization and enrichment in Anatomy research community by amplifying access to peer reviewed scientific literary works. Austin also brings universally peer reviewed member journals under one roof thereby promoting knowledge sharing, collaborative and promotion of multidisciplinary science.

Monday, 12 December 2016

Austin Journal of Biosensors & Bioelectronics


Austin Journal of Biosensors & Bioelectronics is an open access, peer reviewed, scholarly journal dedicated to publish articles related to original and novel fundamental research in the field of Biomarkers Research.
The aim of the journal is to provide a platform for research scholars, scientists and other professionals to find most original research in the field Biosensors & Bioelectronics.
Austin Journal of Biosensors & Bioelectronics accepts original research articles, review articles, case reports and short communication on all the aspects of Biosensors & Bioelectronics and its Research.

Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Austin Journal of Bioorganic & Organic Chemistry


Austin Journal of Bioorganic & Organic Chemistry is a peer reviewed, open access journal publishes manuscripts in the following areas but not limited to structures, synthesis, kinetics, organic synthesis, physical organic chemistry, supramolecular chemistry and chemical biology.
Austin Journal of Bioorganic & Organic Chemistry accepts original research articles, review articles, commentaries, Letters, perspectives, and rapid communication on all the aspects of Bioorganic & Organic Chemistry.
Austin Journal of Bioorganic & Organic Chemistry is a scholarly open access, peer reviewed journal dedicated to publish articles in all areas of Bioorganic & Organic Chemistry such as organic synthesis, physical organic chemistry, supramolecular chemistry and chemical biology.

Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Austin Journal of Biomedical Engineering


Austin Journal of Biomedical Engineering is an open access, peer reviewed, scholarly journal dedicated to publish innovative discourse in the field of Biomedical Engineering. Austin Journal of Biomedical Engineering aims to provide a forum for researchers, physicians, and biomedical engineers to find most recent advances in the area of Biomedical Engineering.

Austin Journal of Biomedical Engineering accepts original research articles, review articles and short communication on all the aspects of Biomedical Engineering for review and possible publication.

Austin Journal of Biomedical Engineering strongly supports the scientific upgradation and fortification in related scientific research community by enhancing access to peer reviewed scientific literary works. Austin Publishing Group also brings universally peer reviewed journals under one roof thereby promoting knowledge sharing, mutual promotion of multidisciplinary science.

Monday, 5 December 2016

Austin Journal of Asthma


Austin Journal of Asthma: Open Access is an open access, peer reviewed, scholarly journal dedicated to publish articles covering all areas of Asthma.
The journal aims to promote latest information and provide a forum for doctors, researchers, physicians, and healthcare professionals to find most recent advances in the areas of Asthma. Austin Journal of Asthma: Open Access accepts research articles, reviews, mini reviews, case reports and rapid communication covering all aspects of Asthma.
Austin Journal of Asthma: Open Access strongly supports the scientific up gradation and fortification in related scientific research community by enhancing access to peer reviewed scientific literary works. Austin Publishing Group also brings universally peer reviewed journals under one roof thereby promoting knowledge sharing.

Friday, 2 December 2016



The periodic table of elements is a tabular array arrangement of the chemical elements, ordered by their number (number of protons), negatron configurations and revenant chemical properties. Totally it consists of 118 elements.

In 1869, Russian chemist Dimitri Mendeleev started the development of the periodic table, composition of chemical components by mass. He had foreseen the invention of different components, and left areas open in his table for them. In 1886, French man of science Antoine Bequerel initially discovered emission. Thomson student from Newzealand, Baron Rutherford named 3 forms of radiation as alpha, beta and gamma rays. Marie Curie started performing on the radiation of metallic element and atomic number 90, and after discovered metal and metallic elements. They found that beta particles were charged.

In 1894, Sir William Ramsay and Lord Rayleigh discovered the noble gases that were supplemental to the table as cluster zero. In 1897 English man of science J. J. Thomson initial discovered electrons; little charged particles in Associate in Nursing atom. John reformist and Henry Martyn Robert Millikan determined their precise charge and mass. And later on many scientists invented different chemical elements and filled the periodic table with 118 elements.
Endless intermittent table blurbs square measure presently out of date. Meet the foremost up to these point components named as nihonium (Nh), moscovium (Mc), tennessine (Ts) and oganesson (Og). On 28, Nov 2016, the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry gave their seal of endorsement to the names projected for the four parts that take areas 113, 115, 117 and 118 on the intermittent table. 

The new names, projected in Gregorian calendar month, experienced 5 months of open remark and audit. IUPAC selected to allow the names an opportunity to face and awkward placeholder names — ununtrium, ununpentium, ununseptium and ununoctium — came out once the parts were other to the intermittent table in Dec 2015, will currently be worn. 

Three of the parts were named for the spots they were found. The name of element 113, "nihonium," originates from "Nihon," a Japanese word for the state of Japan.  Element 115 is called "moscovium," as Russian capital. Additional element 117, tennessine is called Tennesse and element 118, oganesson respects man of science Yuri Oganessian.

Thursday, 1 December 2016



Many studies have implied that liquor, with some restraint, can do a heart decent. Yet, new research recommends that direct consumers are not any more likely than nondrinkers to have clear courses. The researchers took a gander at very nearly 2,000 patients who experienced CT angiography - an imaging test that distinguishes "plaques" in heart conduits. In general, there was no relationship between individuals' drinking propensities and their chances of demonstrating stopped up vessels.

The discoveries remain rather than past studies that have connected direct toasting a lower danger of coronary illness - where plaques develop in the heart conduits and may inevitably trigger a heart assault. Analysts said favorable position of the new study is that it utilized target estimations.

"No earlier studies have evaluated the relationship between liquor utilization and the nearness of coronary illness as portrayed by coronary CT angiography," said lead scientist Dr. Julia Karady. She's with the Heart and Vascular Center at Semmelweis University in Budapest, Hungary.

"We couldn't discover any connection between the nearness of coronary supply route ailment and liquor utilization," Karady said. "Along these lines, we can't affirm a defensive [effect] of light liquor utilization." In the meantime, she included, there was no confirmation that heavier drinking raised the danger of obstructed corridors. In any case, bunches like the American Heart Association (AHA) caution against intemperate drinking, since it can raise circulatory strain and add to heart disappointment and other cardiovascularissues.

Many studies have found that direct consumers have a lower coronary illness chance than non-consumers do - notwithstanding when other wellbeing and way of life components are considered. As a rule, "direct" is characterized as close to one glass of liquor a day for ladies and close to two a day for men.

However, those studies don't demonstrate that liquor, itself, ensures the heart. Furthermore, the AHA stresses that individuals ought not to begin savoring the trusts of increasing any medical advantage - in substantial part since liquor likewise conveys dangers. Dietary rules from the U.S. government say a similar thing. Dr. Kenneth Mukamal thinks about way of life components, including drinking propensities, and the danger of coronary illness. His own exploration has found that direct consumers commonly have a lower danger of coronary illness than non-consumers do. For one, the study patients were altogether sent for CT angiography on the grounds that their specialists thought they may have coronary illness, said Mukamal, a partner teacher of prescription at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston.

"They all had a comparative doubt for coronary illness," he said. "So that has a tendency to minimize the capacity of any behavioral component to impact the measure of coronary malady."In addition, Mukamal said, it's not clear whether the concentrate completely represented individuals' smoking propensities. That is imperative, he noted, in light of the fact that smoking and drinking go as an inseparable unit for a few people.

The new discoveries depended on right around 2,000 patients alluded for CT angiography. Just about 40 percent said they consistently drank liquor - ordinarily having around seven beverages a week.Patients were viewed as light-to-direct consumers on the off chance that they had close to 14 "units" of liquor in a week. A unit means around 7 ounces of brew, a little more than 3 ounces of wine, or 1.35 ounces of alcohol.

By and large, the study found, there was no association between individuals' drinking propensities and their odds of having vein stopping up plaques. Furthermore, it had no effect whether wine; lager or alcohol was the liquor of decision. None seemed defensive at direct levels, Karady said. He was planned to display the discoveries Tuesday at the Radiological Society of North America yearly meeting, in Chicago. Look into exhibited at gatherings is viewed as preparatory until distributed in an associate investigated diary.
The scientists are arranging a bigger study to affirm the new discoveries. Despite the genuine relationship between direct drinking and coronary illness, the exhortation from specialists continues as before.


On the off chance that you as of now drink, the AHA says “do as such just with some restraint”.

The Role of High Intra-Abdominal Pressure During Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (HIPEC) in the Treatment of Spontaneously Ruptured Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Multi-Center Retrospective Study

Objectives: This study explores the clinical value of surgical resection combined with Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (HIPEC) und...