Tuberculosis (TB) remains a major global health issue, infecting one-third of the world's population. Despite efforts, Ethiopia's TB treatment success rate remains below the WHO End TB target (≥90%).
A systematic review and meta-analysis examined drug-susceptible TB treatment outcomes from 2015 to 2023, analyzing 43 observational studies covering 35,046 patients.
Key Findings: TB Treatment Success Rate in Ethiopia
➡️ Related: Treatment
Outcomes and Interrelated Factors amongPatients with Drug-Susceptible
Tuberculosis in Ethiopiafrom Espousal of “New Post-2015 End TB Strategy”
toEnd of 2023: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Overall Success Rate: 82.4% (95% CI: 79.04% – 85.7%)
Regional Disparities:
- Sidama (95.5%), Addis Ababa (90.5%), Harari (89.9%)
- Afar (84.2%), Amhara (82.5%), Oromia (80.2%)
- Southwest Ethiopia (55.4%) – Lowest rate
Key Risk Factors for Poor Outcomes:
- Pulmonary TB (Smear -/+)
- Older age & rural residence
- TB/HIV co-infection & HIV-positive status
- Retreatment cases
- Distance from healthcare facilities
- Regions with lower success rates
- TB/HIV co-infected & retreatment cases
- Older patients & rural communities
Corresponding author: Moges Getie Workie**
Journal: Austin Tuberculosis: Research & Treatment
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