
Wednesday, 12 June 2019

Mayaro Virus: An Agent Capable to Cause Major Epidemics


MayaroVirus (MAYV) is an Alphavirus Closely Related to Chikungunya Virus (CHKV). MAYV is the causative agent of Mayaro Fever, an acute, flu-like febrile syndrome characterized by headache, myalgia, artharlgias, vomiting, diarrhea, retro-orbital pain and rash. Arthralgia are often severe and prostrating, lasting for up to a year, being recurrent relapses possible.

Fromits original isolation in Trinidad in 1954, MAYV spread causing sporadic cases or small epidemics in Brazil, Bolivia, Columbia, Guyana and French Guiana, Peru, Venezuela, Haiti and Surinam (3). Additionally, serological evidence reveals the presence of MAYV in Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Panama, México and Northern Argentina. MAYV is actually prevalent in most tropical countries from South and Central America and in the Caribbean region.

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